Exclusive of its repugnance to any thing like discussion or comparison, and the severities practised on those who renounce the errors of their creed, the doctrine of fatalism excludes the possibility of amelioration in their state, until some great mental revolution be effected: for believing all events with their incidents unalterably fixed, a general apathy and neglect of the means is prevalent amongst them; the horrible consequences of which have been experienced in times of infectious sickness, when many lives have been sacrificed, which under proper care and management might have been preserved. "The Koran inculcates in the most absolute sense, the tenets of fate and predestination, which would extinguish both industry and virtue, if the actions of men were governed by his speculative belief[1]." Again, "the degraded condition of the females and the practice of poly-
- ↑ Gibbon.