and the restoration of the Jews be accomplished, and His sovereignty be universally established, whose is "the kingdom, and the power, and the glory." The providential dealings of the Almighty may well excite the admiring wonder and praise of his people.
At one period Mohammedanism contributed to the revival of letters, when Constantinople was captured by the Turks in 1453. A number of learned Greeks withdrew to Italy, where they gave a new impulse to literature. Among others were Theodorus of Gaza, George of Trebizonde, Argyropulus, Demetrius Calcondylas, &c. Under the protection of the Popes, Nicolas the 5th and Pius the 2nd, learning revived and flourished in Italy, and was from thence diffused throughout the nations of the West. The torch of knowledge, almost extinguished in the West, was thus re-illumined from the East; and the West may return the obligation, by presenting them