with the genuine unpolluted Oracles of God; with those helps and illustrations, the accumulated treasure of ages, which may tend to clear many seeming incongruities, and facilitate their general reception. And the advantages reciprocally conferred will act powerfully in confirming the faith and increasing the joy of the nations, from the fulfilment of prophecy concerning the Messiah's kingdom, against which the gates of hell cannot prevail.
Enveloped, as Mohammedan countries are, in ignorance and infidelity, some traits of character hold out an instructive lesson to Christians. It is customary to read the Koran once a month: David announces it as the distinguishing mark of the good man, that "his delight is in the law of the Lord, and that he meditates therein day and night." Job esteemed it more than his necessary food. No one is permitted to touch the Koran till he be first washed, and then only with a clean