Page:The National Geographic Magazine Vol 16 1905.djvu/638

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The National Geographic Magazine

578 The National Geographic Magazine Page China, Wonderful canals of 68 Chinese boycott. Cotton and the 516 — labor lor Mexico 481 Chittenden, Alfred K., Report on forest conditions of northern New Hampshire by 443 Chittenden, F. H., and William F. Hubbard, Re- port on the basket willow by 443 Cities, Statistics of. 437 Citrous fruits. New 42 Civilizations, The supposed birthplace of. 499 Clapp. Frederick. G., Report on limestones of south- western Pennsylvania 444 Clark, C. E. ; The population of China 6 Clark, Wm. B., referred to 250 Cleveland, President, referred to 387 Climate, Deforestation and 397 Climate, Effect of the sea upon 496 Clinton, De Witt, cited on forests. 386 Coast and Geodetic Survey referred to 144, 427, 509 Cobb, Collier, referred to 250 Coe, Robert, referred to 426 Collier, Arthur J., Report on work in Alaska by.... 513 Collins, C. M., Report on the Avocado by 527 Colon harbor 4s6 — , Storms at 456, 472 Colquhoun, A. R , cited on Philippines 363 Commerce, The possibilities of, multiplied by in- ventions 411 Commercial geography, Gaunett's book on 520 Contract labor law 12 Cook, O. F., and Walter T. Swinele, Report on evo- lution of cellular structures by 527 Coperuicau theory, referred to 256 Corbett, I v . C. Report on raspberries by 443 — , school gardens by 443 Corinth canal 476 Cormorants. Fishing with 213 Cotton and the Chinese boycott of 516 — , Boll weevil, Experimental work in combating the 83 — , Cultivation of in the British Empire 249 — , Cultural work on 43 Coville. Frederick V., referred to 229 Cox, Ulysses G. Report on revision of cave fishes in the" United States by 527 Crane, W. R., George 1 , Adams and Erasmus Haworth. Report on economic geology of the Iola Quadrangle by 444 Cripple Creek District, Colorado 424 Croatians, Immigration of. 8 Cronstadt and St Petersburg 476 Crop investigation and forage 43 Crops requiring little water 44 Cuban seed tobacco, Growth of 82 Culebra Cut, The, referred to 456 Cummin, K. D., referred to 425 Cushine, H. F., referred to 250 Cyclonic storms 260 Daibutsu, The great, Origin of 95 Dai-Nippon (Japan). Review of 134 Dall, William H., referred to 251 — , Chapter on paleontology in Bahama Islands by.. 136 Dalton, Jack, referred to 251 Dalmatian settlements 9 Dam. The highest in the world 240 Darton, N. H. ; The Central Great Plains 390 Darwin, Charles, referred to 194 Davis. A. P.; Views on what forestry means to representative men 443 Davis, Charles H.. referred to 446 Davis, W. M. ; Tides in the Bay of Fundy 71 — , referred to 250, 499 Day, David T., Geographic excursionist*' gift to... 199 — /Report on mineral resources of United States... 444 gold and silver production in 1903 by 444 stone industry in 1003 444 Decisions of U. S. Board on Geographic Names.. 131, 358 Deforestation and climate 397 Dellenbaugh, F. S., Book on breaking the wilder- ness by 200 Page Densmore, Frank, referred to 251 Denton Quadrangle. Maryland, Map of, issued 425 Desert, Utilizing the 242 Detweiler, Frederick May, Obituary of. 52 Dewey, Admiral, referred to 460 Dewey, Melvil, Book on A. L,. A. catalogue of 3,000 volumes by 136 Dodge, Richard Elwood. Advanced geography by.. 307 — , Elementary Geography by 52 Dunstan, W., cited on cotton cultivation in British Empire 249 Dutton, Clarence Edward, Book on earthquakes by 136 Duvel, J. W. T. ; Report on the vitality of buried seeds Dyer, Henry, Book on Japan by 134 Early Western Travels, Review of 253 Earthquakes, Review of. 360 Earth's heat. The cause of the 124 Eckert, Max, Book on Grundriss der Handelsgeog- raphie by 308 Edwards, Clarence R., referred to 87 Ellis. J. R.. referred to. 426 England, Transportation in 88 Erosion, Water theory of 249 European populations 432 Excursions and lessons in home geography, Re- view of. 307 Exploration of world nearly completed 492 Explorations in Turkestan, Book on, referred to... 499 Exports and manufactures , 434 Fairchild. David G., Book review by 89 — , cited on the wattle tree 131 — , Report on seeds and plants imported by 443 Fairchild, Mrs David G., thanked by the National Geographic Society 342 Fairchild, H. I,., referred to 249 Far East, Select list of books relating to 91 Far Eastern Tropics, Review of. 525 Farman, Elbert E., Book on Along the Nile with General Grant by 91. 309 Farmers, Helping the 39)82 Fay, W. T.; Parsees and Towers of Silence, Bom- bay 529 Fetichism in West Africa, Review of. 135 Feudal system in Japan 222 Filipino, Average size of family of. 188 — , Census of the — industries awaiting development 140 Filipinos, Educating the 46 — , Revelation of the 139 Finland, Immigration from 9 Fish, Catching, with intoxicants 233 Fisheries of Japan 201 — , Report of the Commission of. 444 Fitzgerald, Desmond, referred to 371 Flamingo, The story of the 51 Fleming, Walter L., Summary of address by 517 Floods 302 Forage crops, New 44 Foreman, John, criticised by Secretary Taft 362 Forest reserves. Federal 387 Forestry at home (the United States) 383 — and abroad 375 — Congress. American 51 — , First steps in 386 — in British India, Germany, France, and Switzer- land 377 — , Modern 376 — , Present situation of. 45 Forests. Study of insects damaging the 83 — vital to our welfare 515 Fortnightly Review referred to 362 Foster, John W., book on arbitration in The Hague court 133 Foureau expedition referred to 77 Fox Island Passes. Alaska, Some notes on 427 Franklin, Benjamin, Researches of 256