Page:The National Geographic Magazine Vol 16 1905.djvu/639

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The National Geographic Magazine

Index 579 Page French conquest of the Sahara 76 Fruit, Cold storage and marketing of 44 Fuller, Myron L , Report on underground waters of Eastern United States by 444, 520 — , Index of hydrographic reports 520 Fundy, Tides in the Bay of. 71 Game laws, Enforcement of 84 Gannett, Henry, Book reviews by.. 199, 200, 524, 526, 572 — , Assistant director of Philippine census, Report by • 139 — , " Commercial Geography " by 520 — , Editor, Report of Eighth International Geo- graphic Congress 199 — , elected to Board of Managers, National Geo- graphic Society 87 — , Gazetteer of Indian Territory by 444 — , Origin of certain place names 444 — , Report on results of primary triangulation and primary traverse 444 — ; Water erosion theory a fallacy 249 Ganz, Hugo, Book on Russia by 91, 135 Garriott, E. B., Report on Long weather forecast- ing by 443 Garrison, Carl Louise, Book on commercial geog- raphy by 52 Geographen Kalender, 1905-1906, Review of. 360 Geographic Congress, Eighth International, Pro- ceedings 198, 519 — , Some titles of subjects discussed by the 519 Geographic literature 82, 89, 133, 199, 253, 520 Geographic names. Decisions of U. S. Board on. 131, 358 in the United States and the stories they tell.. 100 Geographic Society, National, Home of 342 , Meetings of. 53, 54, 87, 92, 137, 241, 250, 257, 527, 575 , Annual dinner of 570 — , By-laws of. 137 Geographic textbooks : Dodge s "Advanced Geography " 307 Dodge's " Klementary Geography" 52 Gannett's " Commercial Geography" 520 McVlurry's "Excursions and Lessons in Home Geography " 307 Tarr's " New Physical Geography" 52 Geographical knowledge essential to men of affairs. 85 Geography ; Sir W. J. L. Wharton 483 — and culture 70 — , Some lessons in 143 Geologic folios in schools 244 Geological Survey, United States, referred to 389 — , Maps recently issued by 43, 125 — of Canada for 1894, cited 71 Geology, Field course in 250 Gerdine, T. G., referred to 426 German people, Industrial training of 111 Gerrare, Wirt, Book on Greater Russia cited 342 Gilbert, J. J. ; Some notes on the Fox Island Passes, Alaska 427 Gill, Theodore, cited on angler fish : 337 — , Report on State ichthyology of Massachusetts by •'• 444 Goldfish farms in Japan 217 Gorham, Frederic P., and M. C. Marsh, Report on the gas disease in fishes by 527 special commission for investigation of lobster, etc., by 443 Gorgas, William C, referred to 460 — , cited on mosquito campaign 473 Government reports, Some recent 443, 527 Grasses, Investigation of standard 43 Grave, Caswell, Report on oyster industry promo- tion by 443 Great Lakes, Canals of the 475 Great Plains. The Central 389 Greater Russia, Book on, referred to 332 Greely, A. W., Elected to Board of Managers, National Geographic Society 87 — , Book reviews by 133, 134, 135, 254, 307, 308, 360 — ; Russia in recent literature 564 Greece, Immigration from 9 Page Gregory, R. A., and T. H. Huxley, Book on Phys- iography by 136 Griffin, Albert Prentiss Clark, Select list of books relating to the Far East by 91 Griffiths, David, Note on bulletin by 88 — , referred to 244 Grosvenor, Edwin A. ; The evolution of Russian government 309 Grosvenor,Gertrude Hubbard.thanked by National Geographic Society 342 Grosvenor, Gilbert "h.; A revelation of the Fili- pinos 139 — ; Birthplace of civilization 499 — , Book reviews by 89, 136, 524, 526, 575 — ; *. ause of the Earth's Heal 124 — ; Central (Ireat Plains 388 — , elected to Board of Managers, National Geo- graphic Society 87 — ; Gannett's Commercial Geography 520 — ; Gardens of the West 118 — ; Geographic notes 27, 39, 46, 50, 82, 87, 125, 198, 241, 342, 397, 423, 432, 4*>o, 504, 513 — ; Industrial Training of German People 111 — , member Board of Publication of Eighth Geo- graphic Congress 199 — ; Our Immigration in 1904 . 15 — ; Progress on the Panama Canal 467 — ; Progress in the Philippines 116 Grosvenor, Mrs Gilbert H., thanked by National Geographic Society 34 2 Grosvenor, Melville Bell, thanked by National Geographic Society 34 2 Grundriss der Handelsgeographie, Review of. 308 Guilho-Lohan referred to 79 Guam, Our smallest possession 229* Guianas, A naturalist in the, Book on 89 — , The present people of 236 Guatemalan ant, Colonies of the 83 Guerdrum, George M., referred to 425 Guertin, W. C, referred to 426 Haack, Hermann, Geographic calendar by 360 Hague conference referred to 58 Hague, James D., referred to 115 Hale, Edward Everett, Philip Nolan and the " Levant " 114 Hall, Benjamin M., Report on water power of Ala- bama, with an appendix on stream measurement by 444 Hall, C. W., re 'erred to 250 Hall, W. C, and J. C. Hoyt, Report on River sur- veys and profiles made during 1903 by 52a Hamilton, E. G., referred to 425 Hamlin, Homer, Report on underflow tests in basin of Los Angeles River 520 Harmer, F. W.. cited on changes of climate 493 Harper, Arthur, referred to 251 Harris, Townsend, referred to 222 Harrison, President, referred to 387 Harter, L. L., Report on the variability of wheat varieties in resistance to toxic salts 527 Hay, John, referred to 334 Hay, Wm. Perry, Report on a revision of Melac- leminys, etc., by 444 the life history of the blue crab by 527 Haynes, American consul, referred to 432 Hawkins, George T.. referred to 426 Hayward, Roland, Photographs by 71 Hawotth, Erasmus, Report on economic geology of the Iola Quadrangle by 444 — , referred to 250 Heidenstrom, O. G., Book on Swedish life in town and country 136 Heilprin, Angelo, Elected to Board of Managers, National Geographic Society 87 — , Book on Tower of Peiee by . 89 Highwavs Historic, and pioneer roads, Review of.. 254 Hinds, W. E.. and W. D. Hunter, Report on the Mexican cotton boll weevil by 527 Hioki. Eki ; A chapter from Japanese history 220 — ; The purpose of the Anglo-Japanese alliance 333