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Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 1.djvu/23

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is felt in England to see their churches restored to a flourishing condition as branches of the True Vine, taking care to explain to them the doctrine and discipline of the Church of England, and to assure them that she claims no jurisdiction or authority over them, or over any of the Churches of the East.

"2. To render such assistance to the Patriarchs, Bishops, and Clergy, as he may be able to give in the work of Christian education, and to take such steps as they may approve for the establishment of schools, and for the instruction of the people generally.

"3. To make inquiries as to their wants in regard to the Holy Scriptures, and to distribute copies of the Bible and of the Arabic version of the English Liturgy wherever they may be useful.

"4. To procure ancient MSS. of the Holy Scriptures and of the Chaldean liturgies and rituals; and to ascertain what alterations have been made in their rituals in modern times, and by what authority, and how far these alterations have been approved by the native clergy and people.

"5. To collect such Arabic MSS. and printed copies of the Holy Scriptures and of ancient liturgies as may be serviceable in the new translations of the Bible and of the Liturgy which are being prepared by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.

"6. To make particular inquiries into the state and condition of the churches in Chaldea and Coordistan with respect to doctrine and discipline, and to the numbers of their clergy and people.

"7. To make communications upon all these subjects to the Bishop of the United Church of England and Ireland in Jerusalem, and also to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, and to the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge."

The following are copies of the letters commendatory above alluded to:

"To the Right Reverend, our brethren in Christ, the Patriarchs and Prelates of the Holy Eastern Church, William, by Divine Providence, Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England, and Metropolitan, greeting in the Lord.
