"We earnestly commend to your good will and brotherly kindness our beloved in Christ, George Percy Badger, a Priest of our United Church of England and Ireland, whom we have charged, as occasion may be offered, to salute your Holinesses in our name, and to express to you our respect and affection towards you, and our zeal and fervent desire for the welfare and peace of your churches. He will tell you all things that you may wish to know concerning our apostolical Church, and its feelings of love and kindness towards the ancient and apostolical churches of Christ in the East. Wherefore we entreat you to receive him as a brother, and to accept at our hands the expression of our constant goodwill towards you, which we would desire to offer by him.
"Given under our hand and seal, at our palace of Lambeth, this thirteenth day of March, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two.
"W. l. s. Cantuar."
"To their Holinesses the Patriarchs and other Prelates of the Christian Churches in Mesopotamia and Coordistan, William, by Divine Providence, Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England, and Metropolitan, greeting in the Lord.
"Understanding that you have expressed the desire that we would send to you one of the clergy of our Church, who might assist you in the establishing of schools for the instruction of children, and make known unto us more particularly the things of which you stand in need, we have herewith sent to you our beloved in Christ, George Percy Badger, a priest of our United Church of England and Ireland, whom we have charged to salute your Holinesses in our name, and to assure you of our goodwill towards you, and our hearty desire to render you all the assistance in our power. We earnestly commend him to your Holinesses, and request you to receive him as a brother, and to make known your wants to him, and we shall be rejoiced to learn through him all things concerning you, and by what means we may more effectually contribute to your prosperity and welfare.
"Given under our hand and seal, at Lambeth, this thirteenth