Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/127

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And He further decreed, that in the day they should eat thereof they should die the death. Now, hereby God declared the freedom of man's will; for, had they not been free to act, He would have wronged them in punishing their transgression of the command; whereas, if they were really free agents, He justly condemned them, inasmuch as with wicked intent, and in their own self-sufficiency, they trampled upon and despised the divine command, in order that they might become gods, and be released from obedience to their Creator." See Appendix B. Part II., c. 2.

§ 3. "Man was called an image of God. … Secondly on account of his free-will." Appendix B, Part II., c. 1.


The above quotations clearly teach the free agency of man, i.e., that he is capable of considering and reflecting upon the objects which are presented to his mind, and of acting, in such cases as are possible, according to the determination of his will. The free agency here taught is evidently that without which actions cannot be morally good or bad, and without which agents cannot be responsible for their conduct. But that the corruption introduced into our nature by the fall of Adam has so weakened our mental powers, and has given such force to our passions, and such perverseness to our wills, that a man "cannot turn and prepare himself, by his own nature and good works, to faith and calling upon God," that this doctrine of our Article is held by the Nestorians the following extracts amply testify.

"I would repent of my sins, but I am restrained by the very burden of my sins; for every day there arises a fierce conflict of lusts against me, and if to-day I am overcome by one sin, the day after I am overcome by another, and this conflict is unceasing. From this condition none can save me but Thou, O Jesus, who aboundest in Thy compassion towards sinners. Therefore, in Thy mercy forgive me my transgressions, and save me as Thou art wont. O merciful Lord, turn me and have mercy upon me." From the service appointed in the Khudhra for the third Sunday of the Summer season.

"Without Thy help we are very weak indeed to keep Thy commandments, O Lord Jesus, who aidest those who perfect

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