Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/128

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His will, keep those who worship Thee. From a collect in the Kdham oo d'Wathâr appointed to he read every week-day morning.

"O Lord, according to Thy mercy, pity the frailty of our dead species, destroyed and ruined through the malice of the Tempter, and having no strength left. If Thy word doth not loosen its power, the will of Thy people to love Thee will be lost altogether. With strong crying and tears we beseech Thee to save us from the hand of the Evil one, for our nature cannot overcome his wickedness, even as Thou Thyself hast taught us in Thy Gospel saying: 'Without Me ye can do no good thing.' Save us, therefore, from the Evil one, and destroy his dominion." From the service appointed in the Khudhra for the Wednesday of the Baootha d'Ninwâyé.

"Thou knowest perfectly the weakness of our frail nature which is inclined to evil, and doeth iniquity, and serveth sin, and unless Thy grace doth assist us to perfect Thy will we shall be unable throughout our life-time to accomplish it." From a collection of collects at the end of the Khudhra.