Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/166

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especially by the ignorant, and dust or clay is frequently taken from them and preserved as an antidote against evil, and not unfrequently dissolved in water and given as medicine to persons afflicted with sickness.

It is just, however, to add that some of the more learned Nestorians consider the extracts above given from the Kdham oo d'Wathâr to be interpolations of a modern date, and consequently to possess no authority. I have not met with like sentiments in any other of the Church rituals.


The following extracts are sufficient to show the Nestorian teaching on this point.

Direct Invocation of Saints.

"O Mary, Mother of the King of Kings, offer with us thy prayers to thy Son, that He may cause His peace and safety to dwell in the world, and that the Church and her children may be kept from evil." From the vespers for Tuesday in the Kdham oo d'Wathâr.

"O thou holy Virgin, through whom our race corrupted by the deceitfulness of sin was sanctified, pray with us to thy Sanctifier to sanctify us, and that through the shadow of thy prayers He may preserve our life, spread out the wings of His pity over our frailty, and deliver us from evil. O mother of Him Who causes us to live, thou handmaid of our Creator, be to us a wall of refuge at all times." From the collection of Collects at the end of the Khudhra.

"O ye saints, prophets, apostles, doctors, confessors, martyrs, priests, and hermits, pray to Christ your strength for us all, that through your prayers we may receive out of His treasure an answer to all our prayers, as may be profitable unto us." From the same.

"May thy [the Virgin's] prayers be to us as a wall, keep us from the wicked one and his agents, drive from us all evil, and cause peace to dwell in the world for ever." From the service appointed in the Gezza for the festival of the Blessing of the Virgin, one week after the holy Nativity.

"O ye holy priests and saints who taught the truth, pray for