Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/167

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pity and compassion from your Lord in behalf of our souls." From the service in the Gezza for the commemoration of the Syrian Doctors.

Indirect Invocation of Saints.

"Through the prayers of the prophets who made known Thy mysteries, and through the prayers of the Apostles who preached Thy Gospel, and through the prayers of the martyrs, priests and doctors, O Jesus, keep from evil all those who worship Thee." From the Tuesday vespers as contained in the Kdham oo d'Wathâr.

"O Christ our Saviour, keep Thy worshippers from all evil, through the prayers of Thy mother, and grant that we may be thankful for Thy grace, and have mercy upon us." From the collects at the end of the Khudhra.

"O Lord Jesus Christ, keep through the prayers of Thy saints the congregation which has celebrated their commemoration, and in Thy mercy make Us to enter with them into paradise, and sing praises to Thy holy name." From the service in the Gezza for the festival of the Four Evangelists.

"O Lord Jesus, through the prayers of Thy mother cause rest to reign in this world which is troubled and confused by its sins, make all wars and tumults to cease in the earth, so that priests and kings may live in unity, and that in unity and love the commemoration of Thy Mother may be celebrated for ever." From the collects in the Khudhra.

"The righteous who pleased Thee, O Lord Jesus, the prophets, apostles, martyrs, and doctors in every place, pray to Thee for us, that Thou mayest have mercy upon us all. Do Thou make us worthy to confess Thee with them on that day when they shall receive the reward of their works." From the same.