Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/17

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Of free-will.—Quotations from the Khudhra and Kdham oo d'Wathâr, 98, 99; the doctrine of our Article held by the Nestorians, ib.

Of the justification of man.—Quotations from the Warda, Khudhra, and Khâmees, 101.

Of good works.—Quotations from the Khudhra, Khâmees, and Liturgies, 103; Remarks on the Nestorian doctrine of justification and good works, 104; Extracts from the Homily on Aims-Deeds, 105; and from the Khudhra and Warda, 106.

Of works before justification.—The doctrine of the Nestorians, 109; Corroborative extracts thereon, 110.

Of works of supererogation.—Quotation from Poem on the Khâmees, 111; The error unknown by name to the Nestorians, 112.

Of Christ alone without sin.—Quotations from the Warda, 113; remarks, 114.

Of sin after baptism.—Quotations from the Khudhra and Kdham oo d' Wathâr, 115; remarks, 116.

Of predestination and election.—The doctrine not noticed in the Nestorian writings, 117; Prayer from the Khudhra, 118.

Of obtaining Eternal Salvation only by the name of Christ.—Quotations from the Khâmees, Khudhra, and liturgy of Theodoras, 119; Prayers for vengeance upon unbelievers, 120.

Of the Church.—Import of the term, 121; Quotations from the Khudhra, ib.; Remarks, 122.