Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/18

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Of the authority of the Church.—Quotations from the Khudhra, Sinhadòs, and Remarks, 124.

Of the authority of General Councils.—Mar Abd Yeshua on the Councils of Nice and Chalcedon, 126; That of Ephesus, not formally condemned in the Nestorian Rituals, ib.; How the Easterns came to be styled Nestorians, 127; Quotations from the Khudhra, 129.

Of Purgatory.—The Nestorian Rituals repugnant to the doctrine, but teach the efficacy of prayers for the dead, 130; Extracts from the Sinhadòs, ib.; Pardons or indulgences repugnant to the Nestorian doctrines, 131; Censure of Mar Abd Yeshua thereon, ib.; Their aversion to images, 132; The symbol of the cross highly venerated by them, ib.; Their festival in its commemoration, ib.; Quotations from the Gezza, Khudhra, and Sinhadòs, 133; The use of the Cross among the Nestorians, 135; Extracts showing that no idolatry is held by them, ib.; Of relics, 136; Nestorian belief concerning the remains of martyrs and saints, ib.; Quotations from the Kdham oo d'Wathâr, 137; Invocation of saints, 138; Quotations from Kdham oo d'Wathâr, Khudhra and Gezza, ib.

Of ministering in the congregation.—Quotations from the Sinhadòs, 140; Remarks, 144.

Of speaking in the congregation in such a tongue as the people understandeth.—Language of the ancient Nestorian Rituals, 146; But partially understood at the present day, ib.; The ancient Nestorians anxious for the progress of education and the study of the Holy Scriptures, 147; Canon from the Sinhadòs, ib.

Of the Sacraments.—That they are not bare signs, 148; Quotations from the Khudhra, ib.; Mar Abd Yeshua on the subject, 149; Number of the Sacraments not determined by the Nestorian Rituals, 150; Said to be seven by some of their authors, ib.; Examination of this discrepancy, ib.; Tradition tending to prove their belief in two only, 151; Confirmation, how regarded by the Nestorians, 153; Mar Abd Yeshua on the subject, ib.; Of penance, 154; Confession and absolution, ib.; In perfect agreement with our own Rituals, ib.; Auricular confession unknown to the Nestorians, ib.; General practice with regard to confession, ib.; Form of absolution still in use among them, 155; Of orders, matrimony, and extreme unction, 160; Of the holy leaven, 161; Ingredients of the sacramental bread, ib.; Of the sign of the life-giving cross, 162.