Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/184

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Thou, O Lord, didst not despise publicans and sinners, neither didst Thou cast them out of Thy presence, for Thou Thyself hast said, that the whole need not a physician, but such as are sick. Therefore we who have done evil in Thy sight, and whose souls are diseased, beseech Thee to have mercy upon us.

Ant. O Lord, Thou hast known.

O Lord, Thou good Physician of souls. Thou knowest such as are in need of cure. Thou didst call and restore the sick and diseased, or ever Thou didst call the whole; not that Thou dost not regard the righteous, but because Thou wouldst show Thy compassion towards sinners. Therefore I, who am the chief of sinners, beseech Thee, O Thou lover of mankind, to make me as one of those whom Thou didst call into Thy vineyard at the eleventh hour, and make me fit to receive Thy gift.

Ant. So foolish was I and ignorant.

The wicked one laid a snare for me, and took me, and I in my frailty slipped and fell into his net; but now, whilst there is yet strength left in my members, send and cut my bonds, that I may arise and give thanks unto Thy grace, and with the voice of the soul's repentance cry out and say, Glory be to Thee, O Lord of all.

Ant. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.

O Lord, upon the foundation of the rock of Simon Peter's faith Thou hast set me up, and in baptism Thou didst promise me the gift of adoption; but by my life I have likened myself to the heir who squandered away all his living, and now like him I pray and say: I have sinned against heaven and before Thee, and am no more worthy to be called Thy son. O merciful Lord, have mercy upon me.

Ant. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

The sinner who repents and comes unto Thee, O Lord God, Thou wilt not cast out from Thy presence, and from Thine everlasting benefits, but wilt stretch forth to him Thy helping hand, and address him in Thy love, saying: This is he who was dead and is alive again, was lost and is found. Therefore, O Thou lover of mankind, in Thy compassion have pity upon me also, and have mercy upon me.