Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/185

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If the penitent be a female the following anthem shall be used.

Ant. My wounds stink and have become corrupt. What physician can heal my secret wounds, or can visit and cure me, or who can save me from the fire, exclaimed the adulteress? I will arise and cast off the bands of sin, and will betake me to the Saviour, for He did not cast out the publican; and He, by His words, converted the woman of Samaria; and by His words He gave life to the Canaanitish mother; and through the hem of His garment He gave health to her who had an issue of blood; and with words full of mercy He loosed the adulteress from her sins, and inscribed her name in the book of life with those of the virgins;—With all these my soul saith at all times: Blessed is Christ our Saviour.

Ant. And sinners shall be converted unto Thee.

O our Saviour, Thou wast favourable unto publicans and sinners, and in Thy pity Thou didst absolve them from their sins. In like manner have pity upon me, and in Thy compassion extend Thy mercy towards me.

Ant. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.

(I have not been able to find the verse which is wanting here, only the first sentence of which is contained in the Hoosâya.)

Ant. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Let us with contrite hearts beseech and supplicate the All-merciful, and pray for pardon from the compassionate God, whose door is ever open unto all who repent and turn unto Him.]


O Thou compassionate God, have pity upon us; Thou who art full of mercy, look upon us, and do not turn away Thine eyes or Thy care from us, for our help and trust is in Thee at all times, O Lord of all, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.


Ant. Have pity upon me, O Lord, according to Thy great mercy.