Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/186

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O our Father, who sufferest not Thy erring children to perish in their sins, raise me up from my death in sin, O Christ my Saviour, for to this end the heavenly mercies sent Thee, O Son of God, have pity upon me.

O Thou lover of mankind, I am unclean through the multitude of my sins and iniquities, and I dare not look up to the height of heaven; nevertheless unto Thee I cry as did the publican, and say: Have pity upon me, in Thy mercy, and make me Thine.


We praise Thee, we give thanks unto Thee, O Christ our Saviour, for Thou only art our refuge and our hope.

Of Thy mercy and peace we beg Thee not to shut the door of Thy compassion against us.

O holy God, O holy Mighty, O holy Immortal, have mercy upon us.

Then shall follow the Litany beginning with: "O Thou who didst open the door of repentance to all sinners, have mercy upon us, &c." After which the Priest shall say this


Thou who dost open Thy door to those who knock; O Thou who dost answer the prayers of such as call upon Thee, open, O Lord our God, the door of mercy to our prayers, and in Thy mercy answer our petitions out of Thy overflowing treasury, and accept our supplications, O Thou righteous God, who dost not withhold Thy mercies and gifts from such as worship Thee, and who call upon and beseech Thee at all times.

Let the everlasting mercies of Thy holy Trinity be upon Thy sinful and frail worshippers, who at all times call upon Thee and supplicate Thee, O Lord.

Then the Priest shall say this prayer over the head of him who is being absolved.

O our righteous God, whose abundant mercies are over all, pour out Thy loving compassion upon this Thy servant, [or servants] change him through the hope of a fresh renovation, and renew in him Thy Holy Spirit, whereby he was sealed unto the day of redemption. Confirm the hope of his faith by the help of Thy grace, direct the steps of his going in the way of