Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/21

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Conclusion.—Character of the Nestorian Theology, 351; Grounds for Nestorian claims upon our sympathy, ib.; Difficulties in the way, 352; Course of proceeding recommended, ib.; Rough sketch of proposal, 353; Benefits of intercommunion with them, 357.

Index of Biblical and Ecclesiastical writings drawn up by Mar Abd Yeshua. — Old Testament Scriptures, 361; New Testament Scriptures, 362; Writings of the Western Fathers, 363; Writings of the Syrian Fathers, 367.

A Translation of The Jewel by Mar Abd Yeshua.—Part I. Of God.—That there is a God, and that the world is created, made, and temporal, 382; That God is one and not many, 383; That God is Eternal, 394; That God is incomprehensible, ib.; Of the Trinity, 385.

Part II.—On the Creation.—On the Creation of the Universe, 388; On man's first sin, 389; On the Divine Laws and Ordinances, and of the Prophets, 390; Prophecies concerning Christ, 391.

Part III. On the Christian Dispensation.—On the Advent of Christ, and of His union [of the divine with the human nature], 393; On the life and actions of Christ, 394; On the truth of Christianity, 395; On the different Sects, 397; Refutation of the foregoing Creeds, 400; On the title "Mother of God," 401; Of four Persons, 402; Of the Church, ib.

Part IV. Of the Church Sacraments. On the number of the Church Sacraments, 404; Of the Priesthood, 405; Of Baptism, 407; Of the Oil of Unction, ib.; Of the Oblation, 408; Of the Holy Leaven, 409; Of Absolution and Repentance, 411; Of Matrimony and of Virginity, 412.

Part V. On the theory of those things which prefigure the world to come, of worshipping towards the East, 413; On the worship of the Lord's Cross, 414; Of the holy First Day of the Week, and of the Festivals commemorative of our Lord, 415; Of Friday, 416; Of Fasting, Prayer, and Almsgiving, 417; Of the Girdle, 418; Of the Resurrection, the Judgment to come, and Everlasting Life, 419.