Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/20

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Of the Traditions of the Church.—Traditions and Ceremonies not permitted to be changed by private judgment, 185; Synodal decrees, ib.

Of the Homilies.—Their doctrines having been already considered, the Fasts of the Nestorians are treated of in this chapter, 187; Canons on the subject, ib.; Days of fasting and abstinence, ib.; Strictly observed by the Nestorians, 188; The Fast from which laymen are exempt, ib.

Of the Consecration of Bishops and Ministers.—The doctrine of the Apostolical Succession maintained by the Nestorians, 189; Extract from the Khudhra, ib.; Mar Abd Yeshua on the Orders of Ministers, 190; The Episcopate, ib.; Bishop Onderdonk of America on the subject, ib.; The Patriarchate, 191; Qualifications for the office, ib.; Formerly not of the same family, and how elected, ib.; Election of Bishops, 192; Quotations from the Sinhados and remarks, 193.

Office for the administration of Holy Baptism according to the Nestorian Ritual.

Liturgy of Nestorius.—Chaldæan alterations of the Nestorian Liturgies, and the periods of their celebration, 241.

Taxa d'Burrakha or the Form of the Solemnization of Matrimony.—The Espousals, 244; The Marriage, 245; The blessing of the bridal attire, 254; The benediction of the colours and crowns, 258; The coronation, ib.; The setting up of the bridal chamber, 271; Persons with whom it is unlawful to marry, 277; Celebration of matrimony without a priest, 280; Prayer over the bride forty days after marriage, ib.; The churching of women, ib.

The Kahneita, or the Order for the burial of the Priests.—First Moutwa or Cathisma, 283; Third Moutwa, 289; Processional Chant, 297; The consolation, 316; How unbaptized children are to be interred, 321.

The Form for the Ordination of the Clergy by the imposition of hands.—The ordering of Readers, 322; Of Sub-deacons, 324; Of Deacons, 325; Of Presbyters, 330; Of an Archdeacon, 336; Of the Patriarch's Archdeacon, 339; Of Bishops, 340; Of Metropolitans, 347; Consecration of churches, 349; Restoration of offending Priests, 350.