Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/245

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Then shall follow the two lessons as appointed in the Karyâna, Before the deacon begins to read the priest shall say:

Blessed is God, Who endueth us with wisdom through His holy teaching, and Who poureth out His mercy upon the reader and hearers, at all times. Amen.

The lessons ended, the προκείμενον shall follow, after which the priest shall say this


Enlighten, O Lord God, the motions of our thoughts that we may attend to and understand the sweet sound of Thy lifegiving and divine commandments: and in Thy grace and mercy vouchsafe that we may derive therefrom the fruits of love, hope, and salvation, which may be profitable to our souls and bodies, and we will ever and unceasingly sing praises unto Thee, O Lord of all, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Before he begins the reading of the Epistle, the deacon shall say: Give Thy blessing, O Lord. To which the priest shall answer: The Lord endue thee with wisdom by His holy teaching, and make thee profitable to all who shall listen to thee. The epistle ended the deacon shall say: Glory be to Christ our Lord. After which the priest shall silently pray as follows:

Unto Thee, ray of the glory of the Father, Thou Image of the person of the Father, Who appearedst in the body of our humanity, and enlightenedst the darkness of our minds through the light of Thy Gospel, unto Thee we give thanks, worship, and praise, at all times, O Lord of all, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Whilst the priest is opening the Gospel, he shall say silently:

Glory be to the everlasting mercies which sent Thee unto us, O Christ, the Light of the world, and the life of all, for ever and ever. Amen.

As he bears the Gospel from the altar to the door of the bema the priest shall say silently:

Make us wise through Thy law, enlighten the motions of our hearts through Thy wisdom, sanctify our souls by Thy truth, and grant that we may be obedient to Thy words, and that we may fulfil Thy commandments at all times, O Lord of all, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.