Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/246

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Whilst incense is being put into the censer the priest shall say the following:

O Lord, let that same sweet odour, which came forth from Thee when Mary the sinner poured upon Thy head the precious ointment, mingle with this incense which we offer before Thy Majesty for the forgiveness of our sins and transgressions, O Lord of all, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Deacon. Stand prepared to hear the holy Gospel.

Then the priest shall read the Gospel for the day, beginning with the salutation: Peace be with you. To which all shall respond: With thee, and with thy spirit. After the proclamation of the Gospel from which the lesson is taken, the deacon shall say: Glory be to Christ our Lord. The Gospel ended, the deacon shall add: Glory be to Christ our Lord; and let us all commit ourselves and one another to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Here followeth the ectene, which whilst the deacon is reciting the priest shall take the paten and chalice from the prothesis, and shall say this anthem:

Ant. The poor shall eat and be satisfied.

The body of Christ and His precious blood are upon the holy altar; let us all therefore come before Him in fear and love, and with the angels sing unto Him, Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of hosts. [To be repeated.]

Then the priest shall take the chalice in his right hand and the paten in the left, and crossing his arms he shall say:

Let us ever and at all times offer praise to Thy glorious Trinity, O Christ, Who wast sacrificed for our sins, and Who commandedst us to keep up a remembrance of Thy death and resurrection. In Thy grace and mercy accept this oblation at our hands. Amen.

Then he shall strike the chalice and paten together three times, saying:

According to Thy commandment, O Lord our God, let these adorable, holy, life-giving, and divine sacraments, be placed and ordered upon the sin-forgiving altar until the second coming of our Lord from heaven, to whom be glory at all times and for ever. Amen.

Having placed the chalice and paten upon the altar the priest shall cover them carefully with a napkin, and shall say:

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.