Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/248

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Lord, perfect Thy grace in us, and pour it out through our hands, and suffer Thy mercies and Thy divine compassion to rest upon us, and upon this people which Thou hast chosen for Thyself. [Then with a loud voice.] And grant, O Lord, in Thy mercy, that throughout the days of our life we all may approve ourselves before Thy Godhead in such good works of righteousness as Thy adorable will shall be pleased with and accept, that through the help of Thy grace we may be fit to offer unto Thee glory, honour, praise, and worship, at all times, O Lord of all, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Then the Deacons shall enter the bema, and shall proclaim as follows:

Let every one who is unbaptized depart. Whosoever has not received the sign of life, let him depart. And whosoever is unwilling to receive the same, let him depart. Go, ye hearers, and watch the doors.

The veil shall then be drawn aside; after which the appointed anthem shall be sung by the Deacons and people, and the Priest shall repeat the same, singing himself the meanwhile, in the name of the Holy Trinity. And as he descends from the steps of the altar, the Deacons shall bow before him, and he shall say:

The Lord God accept your ministrations, adorn you with all beauty, and enrich you with every good gift, for ever and ever. Amen.

Then approaching the door of the bema he shall bow and say:

With our hearts sprinkled and cleansed from all evil thoughts, we are fit to enter into the holy of holies above, and to appear before Thine altar in purity and holiness, and in true faith to offer unto Thee spiritual and reasonable sacrifices.

Then he shall stand in front of the altar with uplifted hands and shall say in a loud voice the Nicene Creed. After which the Deacon shall approach the altar with three genuflexions, and whilst the Priest is worshipping before the altar the latter shall say:

God, the Lord of all, be with us, in His grace and mercy, now and for ever. Amen.

Deacon. Let us pray. Peace be with us. Let us offer the prayer of commemoration.

Priest. [To the deacon.] God, the Lord of all, strengthen thee to sing His praise.