Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/247

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On the holy altar let there be a remembrance of Mary the Mother of Christ.

Deacon. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.

O ye apostles of the Son, and lovers of the Only-begotten, pray for peace in all the world.

Priest. And let all the people say Amen, Amen.

Let thy memorial, O —— [Here the name of the saint to whom the Church is dedicated is to be inserted] be upon the holy altar, together with that of the just who have overcome, and with that of the martyrs who have received their crowns.

Deacon. All the dead have slept in the hope of Thee, that by Thy glorious resurrection Thou wouldest raise them up in glory.

Then the Priest shall give the Cross and Gospel into the hands of the Deacons, who shall go out therewith into the chancel, and shall say:

Christ our Lord make you fit to meet Him with open face. Amen.

The ectene ended, the Priest shall say,

We pray and beseech Thee, O Lord God Almighty, to perfect in us Thy will, and to pour out through us Thy gift, and the mercies and compassion of Thy godhead, and grant that they may convey to Thy people the forgiveness of their sins, and to the sheep of Thy pasture which Thou hast chosen to Thyself the pardon of their iniquities, through Thy grace and mercy, O Lord of all, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Then the Deacon shall say with a loud voice. Bow your heads for the imposition of hands, and receive the blessing. At this the Deacons and people shall bow their heads, and the Priest shall say the following in a low voice:

O Lord, the mighty God, [to be repeated,] Thine is the holy Catholic Church, which was purchased by the passion of Thy Christ, and Thine are the sheep of Thy pasture, and through the grace of the Holy Ghost of Thine own glorious Essence are given the different degrees of the imposition of hands appertaining to the office of the true priesthood. In Thy mercy, O Lord, Thou hast made our frail nature meet to become very members in the great body of the holy Catholic Church, and to administer spiritual benefits to the souls of believers. O