Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/250

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ascribe glory, honour, praise, and worship, now and for ever and ever. [Whilst saying this the priest shall sign himself, and the people shall answer.] Amen.

Priest. Peace be with you all.

R. With thee, and with thy spirit.

Deacon. Salute one another in the love of Christ.

Then the Deacon shall read the prayer of commemoration styled diopatkeen;[1] after which he shall say as follows:

Let us all in purity and in contrition give thanks unto the Lord, and offer up our prayers and supplications unto Him. With reverence stand and behold the things which are about to be performed,—the awful sacraments which are about to be consecrated,—for the priest hath drawn near to pray that through him peace may be multiplied unto you. Cast your eyes downwards, and lift up your hearts in watchfulness, and earnestly pray and supplicate at this time. Let none dare to speak, and whosoever prays let him pray mentally, and let all in fear and silence stand and pray. Peace be with us.

Whilst the Deacon is repeating the above the Priest shall say silently the following:

O Lord, the mighty God, [to be repeated,] Who in Thy mercy art the support of our weakness, by the aid of Thy grace make me fit to offer before Thee this oblation, that it may be for the help of all this congregation, and to the praise of Thy glorious Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.


The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all. [Whilst saying this he shall sign the elements.]

R. Amen.

Priest. Above in the height of the highest, and in the awful place of praise, where the fluttering of the wings of the cherubims ceases not, neither is there any intermission to their hallelujahs, or to the song of Holy, Holy, Holy, of the seraphim, thither lift up your hearts.

  1. i. e. The Diptychs.