Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/251

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R. Unto Thee, O God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the King of glory.

Priest. The living and reasonable oblation of the First-begotten of us, and the unsacrificed and acceptable sacrifice of the Son of our race, which the prophets prefigured mystically, and which the Apostles preached openly, and which martyrs purchased with their blood, and which wise men have expounded in the churches, and which priests have sacrificed upon the holy altar, and which the Levites have borne in their hands, and which the people have received for the forgiveness of their sins,—be this offered unto God, the Lord of all, for all mankind.

R. It is meet and right.

Deacon. Call to mind the wonderful providence of Christ our Saviour, which He perfected for us, how by His body He hath turned our mourning into joy, and by His living blood He hath sprinkled our hearts. Be watchful, and pray in purity, Peace be with us.

Then the priest shall say the two following prayers silently.


O Lord, I adore Thy grace, [to be repeated,] and give thanks unto Thy mercy, because in Thy compassion Thou hast made me, who am unworthy, fit to offer unto Thee adorable and divine sacraments. I beseech Thee, O Lord, and supplicate that Thy grace may cause them to be for the quiet of the world, the peace of the creation, the resurrection of Thy believing Church, the prosperity of Thy priests, the edification of all those who believe on Thee, the preservation of those who are justified by Thee, the pardon and forgiveness of the sins of the penitent, the reclaiming of the wandering, the salvation of all mankind, and, in Thy grace and mercy, for the blotting out of the ignorances of all Thy people and servants who now stand before Thee, for ever and ever. Amen.


Unto Thee, O Lord, the mighty God, whose essence is eternal, the Father Almighty, [to be repeated,] He who for ever was, is, and shall be, the same; it is meet and right that we should ever and at all times offer praise, worship, honour, and