Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/252

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glory. Thou art the true God, incomprehensible, infinite, inexplicable, invisible, uncompounded, impassible, immortal, and far above the thoughts and understandings of all creatures, every where present, and yet not to be contained in any place,—the Father, the Only-Begotten Son, and Holy Ghost. Put a good word in our mouth, O Lord, that with a contrite heart, and humble spirit, we may offer unto Thee the spiritual fruits of our lips, a reasonable service; for Thou art the one only God, the Father of our King, and Lord, and Saviour, Jesus Christ our hope, in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, and from whom we have received the knowledge of the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of truth, who proceedeth forth from Thee, O Father, and who is of the hidden essence of Thy Godhead, and through whom all rational creatures, visible and invisible, are strengthened, sanctified, and perfected. We offer up unto Thee unceasingly, and at all times, and to Thy Only-Begotten Son, and to the Holy Ghost, endless praise and thanksgiving, for all the work of Thy hands; for that Thou from nothing didst bring us into existence, and didst form us; and when we stumbled and fell and became corrupt. Thou didst renew us, and raise us up, and make us Thine own again, and didst not cease to visit us, and constantly to care for us, until Thou didst exalt us to heaven, and in Thy pity didst give us the kingdom to come. For all these Thy benefits we thank Thee, God the Father of truth, and Thy Only-Begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ, and Thy living Spirit the Holy Ghost, and we worship Thee also for all Thy benefits towards us, such as are known to us and such as we do not know, both hidden and open. And we also thank Thee for this service, and beseech Thee to accept it at our hands. Who can utter Thy wondrous power, or declare all Thy praise? for even if all created beings should join in one mouth and in one tongue they could not publish Thy greatness.


For before Thy Trinity, O Lord, thousands of thousands, and myriads of myriads, of angels and archangels stand and fly, and with a loud voice cry out to one another without ceasing, saying:—