Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/256

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give thanks unto Thy name, and adore Thy majesty, now and for ever and ever. Amen.


And we also, O Thou mighty Lord, God the Father, [To be repeated,] in commemorating this which was given for our salvation, and in bringing to mind all those things which have been done for us, would before all believe and confess Thee, God the very Father, and the divinity of the eternal birth of the Only-begotten of Thee, with whom, in the co-equality of His essence with Thee, Thou art joined in His wonderful providence towards us, which took place in our humanity [which He assumed,] in His cross and passion, in His death and in the grave, in His resurrection after three days and ascension into heaven, in His session on the right hand, and in the glorious advent of our Lord Jesus Christ unto us a second time, in and through whom Thou wilt judge the quick and the dead, and reward every man according to his works. And we also confess the Holy Ghost, of the glorious essence of Thy Godhead, who proceeds forth from Thee, O Father, and with Thee, and with Thine Only-begotten Son, is praised, worshipped, and revered by all. We offer unto Thee this lively, holy, acceptable, glorious, awful, and great and immaculate sacrament, for all men; for the holy, apostolic, and Catholic Church throughout the earth, that Thou wouldest vouchsafe to keep it from all doubtfulness, immoveable, and indefectible, [Repeat from for the holy, &c.,] without spot, blemish, wrinkle, or any such thing, even as Thy well-beloved Son our Lord Jesus Christ has said, that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And for all our fathers, the bishops who in every place preach the word of truth of the orthodox faith, and for all the priests who exercise Thy priesthood before Thee in righteousness and true holiness, in the mystery of the faith, and in a pure conscience. And for all congregations of Thy sanctified people here and every where; and for all who have sinned and transgressed against Thee knowingly and ignorantly, and for me, Thy frail servant, whom Thou hast, in Thy grace, made meet to offer before Thee this oblation. And for all those who serve Thy Church in works of righteousness, for all who give alms to the poor, for all believing