Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/257

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kings, and for the establishment of their kingdoms, and for all the heads and sovereigns of the world. And we beseech Thee to confirm all these in Thy fear, and to pour out upon them Thy truth, and to put all barbarous nations in subjection unto them. And we pray of Thy Godhead, O Lord, to cause violence to cease in all the earth, and to scatter the people that delight in war, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. And for all the fruits of the earth, and for the seasons, that the year may be crowned with Thy goodness. [The last period to be repeated thrice.] And for this city and those who dwell therein, and for all who reside round about it; and for all places and the inhabitants thereof, that Thou mayest have mercy upon them, bless, keep, and preserve them in Thy compassion. And for all who travel afar off by sea or land, for all who are in trouble or adversity, for the outcast, and for such as suffer persecution for Thy name's sake. And for all prisoners and captives in tribulation, for all who in distant islands are made to serve in hard slavery, and for all our believing brethren in bondage. And we beseech Thee, O Lord, that Thou wouldest succour all such as are sick and distressed. And we supplicate Thy mercy, O Lord, in behalf of our enemies, and those who hate us, and those who think evil of us; enter not into judgment with them, O Lord, neither take vengeance upon them, O Thou mighty God; but fit them for mercy and salvation, and for the forgiveness of sins, since Thou desirest that all men should be saved, and come to a knowledge of the truth, and by Thy only-begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ Thou hast commanded us to pray for our enemies, and for all those who hate us, and who despitefully use us.


And now, O Lord, forgive, pardon, absolve, and pass by, whereinsoever we have sinned and transgressed, O Thou Good One, Who dost govern all in Thy mercy, that with one accord we may offer unto Thee glory, honour, praise, and worship, now and for ever and ever. Amen. [Here the priest shall sign himself.]

R. Amen.

Deacon. Lift up your sight to the height of the highest above, and behold with the eyes of your minds, and contemplate that