Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/260

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mercy upon us, and upon Thy servants and people who are now standing before Thy holy altar, and make us all meet to be partakers in that portion and inheritance unto which the saints in light have attained. And grant, O Lord, that we may live before Thee in this abode of our pilgrimage in pure love, in clean thoughts, and that with a right knowledge of the true faith of Thee we may partake of Thy holy, awful, and divine sacraments, so that when we shall appear before the dreadful seat of Thy majesty we may not be ashamed or confounded. And as in this world Thou hast made us meet to administer Thy holy and awful sacraments, so in the world to come make us meet with open face to partake of all those blessings which do not decay or fade away. And when Thou shalt bring to an end all those things which we now see as in a glass or figure, may we then take sure hold of the heavenly holy of holies. And now, O Lord, we Thy frail and sinful servants, [Here the Priest shall fall with his face to the ground, and repeat from the words, And now, &c.] who were once afar off from Thee, but whom in Thine abundant mercy Thou hast made to stand and to administer before Thee this awful and holy service, and with one accord to make our supplications to Thy adorable Godhead, * [Here the Deacon shall say,]37 How awful is this moment, and how dreadful is this hour, in which the Priest invokes the Spirit, Who descends from on high to perform His will, and Who sanctifies this heavenly Eucharist of the Body and Blood of our Saviour for the forgiveness of sins, and the pardon of the transgressions of all those who partake thereof. In stillness and in fear, and with trembling and amazement, stand and pray. Peace be with us.Which reneweth all creation, * beseech Thee that the grace of the Holy Spirit may descend and abide and rest upon this oblation which we have offered before Thee, bless it, sanctify it, and make this Bread and this Cup the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Change Thou them38 by the operation of the Holy Ghost, that these glorious and holy sacraments may be effectual in all such as shall partake of them unto everlasting life, the resurrection from the dead, the forgiveness of body and soul, the light of wisdom, openness of face before Thee, and eternal salvation which Thou hast