Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/259

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from their wanderings, quicken their mortality, comfort their mourning, quiet their anxiety, enlighten their darkness, support their weakness, enrich their poverty, give them rest in adversity, and humble Thyself to listen to my intercessions in their behalf. Look also upon me, me Thy frail and sinful servant, whom Thou hast this day moved by Thy grace to pray before Thee at this time; come to my help, turn Thee unto me for my salvation, raise me up from my dejection, set me up above my imperfections, pardon my sins, blot out my follies, and hear my prayer, and hearken unto my supplication, and make me to walk in Thy path, to attain unto Thy promise, and to be a partaker of Thy sacraments, and finally number me with those who shall be on Thy right hand in the world of happiness, and cause me to sit down in the abode of bliss, with all the members of Thy household, and fit me to stand in confidence before the throne of Thy glory with all Thy saints; and pour out upon my sinful estate the gift of Thy mercy through the prayers of such as are still in the body, those of earth who honour Thee, and through the prayers of the spirits who praise Thee above the firmament, the Cherubim, and Seraphim, and the angels of light, who sing Holy, Holy, Holy, before Thee. Amen.

After which the Priest shall say the following, bending his body the meanwhile.

O Lord God the Father, strong and mighty, we beseech Thee, [Repeat,] and we kneel and worship before Thee, that Thou wouldest restore the wandering, enlighten those who are in darkness, support the weak, raise up the fallen, confirm such as stand, and in Thy mercy do unto every one according as his wants may be. And we beseech Thee, O Lord, and supplicate before Thee, to remember through this oblation the fathers, the patriarchs, prophets, apostles, martyrs, confessors, bishops, doctors, priests, and deacons, and all those of our ministry who have departed this life, and all our brethren in Christ, and all who have departed from this world in the true faith, whose names are known unto Thee. Pardon and forgive them in whatsoever they have sinned or transgressed against Thee, seeing that they were by nature inclined to evil, and, as men, clothed with iniquity. And through the prayers and supplications of all who have been approved before Thee turn Thee unto us,36 and have