Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/63

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in One, [literally "numbered natures,—oneness,"]—that which is proper to each subsisting [i. e. without conversion or confusion,] in one Parsopa of Filiation."—From the Gezza, as above.

§ 4. "He who is, by His self-existence, perfect God, the Word, abounded in His compassion for our frailty, and took upon Him our similitude to be an abode for His Divinity, raised and nailed it to the cross, and yielded it up unto death, thereby to give us life, then raised it again and seated it in the heavens, far above the highest dominions and powers. And as we were all under condemnation through the first Adam, so by the second Adam we are justified.—Who can declare His glorious generation? So we praise, so we reasonably believe, and so we with wonder confess, as we have been truly taught; so that even should an angel from heaven come and teach us any other doctrine than this Gospel preached unto us, we will neither deny His Manhood, nor that His Divinity is impassible." From the Khudhra, in the service for the fifth Monday in Lent."

§ 5. "The clear truth was manifested by the Son of God to His affianced Church, when it pleased Him, in His love, to come into the world to teach and to preach the doctrine of His Divinity and Humanity.12

"He was in the bosom of His Father before the worlds, from everlasting, He being truly God.

"He came to us in the fulfilment of time, took our body upon Him, and therewith redeemed us, He being truly Man.

"The prophets declared Him in their visions, and the righteous typified Him, He being truly God.

"He was in the womb for nine months, and was born as a man, He being truly Man.

"The angels praised Him, He being God.

"He was laid in a manger, He being Man.

"The star declared Him, He being God.

"He was suckled at the breast, He being Man.

"The Persian Magi brought Him precious gifts and offerings, He being truly God.

"He submitted to be circumcised, and offered sacrifices in the temple, according to the Law, He being truly Man.

"Simeon called Him 'the Light of the Gentiles, and the Glory of His people Israel,' He being truly God.

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