Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/64

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"He fled into Egypt from the hands of the cruel and impious Herod, He being truly Man.

"The shepherds hastened to worship Him, and adored Him bending over their staffs, He being truly God.

"He was nurtured, and grew in stature, and in wisdom, and in the Divine grace, He being truly Man.

"He turned the water into wine, and the guests drank thereof, and praised His name, He being truly God.

"He was baptized in Jordan, He being Man.

"The heavens were opened to Him, He being God.

"The Father openly declared Him, He being Man.

"The Spirit descended upon Him, He being God.

"He fasted and was tempted, He being Man.

"He confounded the wicked one, He being God.

"He entered the abode of Levi, of Zacchæus, and of Simon, and ate and drank at the feast and supper, He being truly Man.

"He healed the sick and infirm, cleansed the lepers, and gave sight to the blind, He being truly God.

"He went out to a mountain to pray, and continued in prayer until dawn, He being truly Man.

"He gave the power of walking to the lame, and members to the maimed, He being truly God.

"He slept on board the ship, He being Man.

"He calmed the sea, He being God.

"He ascended the mount, He being Man.

"He there enacted laws, He being God.

"He was weary from walking, sat by the well, and asked water of the Samaritan, He being truly Man.

"He revealed her secrets, and told her of all her hidden and open actions, He being truly God.

"He wept and shed tears for Lazarus, and inquired for the place of his grave, He being truly Man.

"He called and raised him from the grave by the power of His Divinity, He being truly God.

"He rode on an ass, He being Man.

"The children praised Him, He being God.

"The Pharisees envied Him, He being Man.

"He wrought miracles, He being God.