Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/66

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"He passed through closed doors, and saluted the Twelve with the salutation of peace, He being truly God.

"He showed them the prints of the nails on His hands and feet, and pointed out His side to Thomas, He being truly Man.

"He ascended up in glory unto Him who had sent Him, and will return again at the last to judge all, He being truly God.

"Angels foretold of Him that He should come again openly, in the body, even as He had ascended, He being truly Man.

"He sent the Spirit, the Comforter, upon His disciples, Who endued them with wisdom, He being truly God.

"Constantine searched out and found the wood upon which He was crucified, He being truly Man.

"He chose out for Himself, from among all people, a Church, which He sanctified by the glory of His Divinity, He being truly God.

"Blessed is He Who hath fulfilled His purposes for the salvation of men; to Him be glory, and on us His mercy, for ever and ever."—From the Gezza, in the Service for the Holy Nativity.

§ 5. "With all these proofs to establish the humanity of the Saviour, I am astounded at the tenets of the erring heretics. Manes, Marcion, and the worthless Simon deny [Christ's] body, and thereby deprive our race of salvation. Eutyches, also, who falsely asserted that the [Christ's] body descended from above, equally denies our body, [i.e. that Christ's body was like our own.] Eunomius and his followers denied the soul [of Christ]; Apollinaris denied the mind [of Christ]; but the worst of all was Jacob [Baradæus] who makes the self-existent passible. This erring man maintains that there is but one nature in Christ, and says that the self-existent became flesh, thereby destroying the co-equality of the Persons of the Trinity, and inflicting a serious injury on mankind. After him come the erroneous Chalcedonians, whose creed resembles his, since they believe that there are two Natures and one Person in Christ. And this creed is maintained by all the West, by the Romans, the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Copts,13 the Melchites, and by most of the Georgians. This wicked party excommunicated Mar Nestorius, who was true, and who taught the truth in the