Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/65

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"The priests conspired against Him, He being Man.

"The multitudes glorified Him, He being God.

"He left the city and went to Bethany with His disciples, and there abode, He being truly Man.

"He cursed the fig-tree, and immediately it dried up, thus showing His power and glory, He being truly God.

"Mary anointed Him with spikenard, and wiped His feet with the hair of her head, He being truly Man.

"He remitted her sins, forgave her iniquities, and wiped out her transgressions and follies, He being truly God.

"He ate the legal Passover in the upper chamber with His disciples, He being truly Man.

"At the Supper, He foretold and declared the treachery of the Iscariot, He being truly God.

"He took a napkin, girded Himself therewith, and washed the feet of His disciples, He being truly Man.

"He approached him whose ear had been cut off, and healed it by His great power, He being truly God.

"He sweat, and prayed, and received strength from the angel that appeared unto Him, He being truly Man.

"He foretold the denial of Himself by Simon Peter the head of the disciples, He being truly God.

"He was taken to His passion, spit upon, and crowned with thorns, He being truly Man.

"He repulsed those who seized Him, and those who hated Him, and they fell with their faces to the ground, He being truly God.

"He was nailed to the wood, He being truly Man.

"He rent the rocks, He being truly God.

"Nails were driven through Him, He being truly Man.

"He opened the graves, He being truly God.

"They gave Him vinegar to drink, He being Man.

"He rent the Temple, He being God.

"He cried out from the cross, He being Man.

"He cast darkness over the sun, He being God.

"He submitted to death. His body was embalmed and laid in a sepulchre hewn out of a rock, He being truly Man.

"He ate and drank with His disciples after His resurrection, as it is written, He being truly Man.