BADMINTON, The. A large London dub of sporting men, so named in honor of the Duke of Beaufort's estate. It was formed in 1876.
BADOC, ba-duk'. A town of Luzon, Philippines, in the Province of Iloeos Xorte. It is situated near the coast, about 22 miles south of Lasag, and has a population of 10,800 ( Map : Philippine Islands, E 2).
BADOURA, ba-doo'ra. In the story of
Prince Camaralzaman in the Arabian Xights,
the daughter of the King of China, who falls in
love with the sleejiing prince.
BADRULBUDUR, ba-drool'boo-door'. Alad-
din's wife in Tlie Arabian Xir/hts' Entertain-
ments. She is a beautiful Chinese princess.
Despite her love for her husband, she twice
nearly causes his undoing by giving away the
'wonderful lamp' in exchange for a prettier one,
and by letting two magicians into his house.
BAEDEKER, bed'e-ker. Karl (1801-.5n). A
German publisher, born at Essen. In 1S27 he
set up a bookshop at Coblenz, and in 1830 pub-
lished travelers' handbooks for Belgium and
Holland. These were succeeded by the Hand-
huch fiir Reisende dureh Deutschlrind tind
den ostcrreichischen Kaiserstaat (1842), and
by guides to Switzerland (1844), and Paris and
environs (1855). Thus was inaugurated this
series of woiMd-famous publications. Since 1801,
English editions have appeared. The collection
now includes almost all European countries, and
portions of North America and the Orient, as
well as monographs on London, Paris, and Ber-
lin. The volumes are supplied with excellent
maps. In 1872 the firm removed to Leipzig,
where complete revisions are frequently pre-
BAEHRENS, ber'cns, Emil (1848-88). A
German Latinist, born at Bayenthal. He studied
classical philology at Bonn and Leipzig, was ap-
pointed instructor at .lena in 1873, and professor
at Groningen in 1877. His editions of the clas-
sics, though often marred by careless haste or
bitter attacks on his opponents, are considered
valuable because of the use they make of new
manuscripts. They include C. Valerii Flacei
Argnnautieon (1875); Cat ulli Veronensis Liber
(2 vols., 1876-85) ; the Silvw of Statius (1876) ;
and Poetw Latini Minores (5 vols.. 1879-83) ;
with the additional volume of Fragmenta Poeta-
rum Bomanorum (1880).
BAEN, or BAAN, biin, .Tax van ( 1633-1702) .
A Dutch portrait painter, born at Haarlem. He studied under Picmans, his uncle, and under Backer. He was invited by Charles II. to come to England, and painted portraits of the King and Queen, and of various members of the English nobility. His style was that of Van Dyck, and his best work is thought to be the portrait of Count Maurice of Nassau (Amsterdam). When he was requested by Louis XIV. to paint his portrait, he replied that he was unable to paint the
conqueror of Holland.
BAENA, bii-a'na (Baniana, Biniana of the
Romans). A town of Spain, in the Province of
Cordova, situated about 32 miles southeast of the
city of Cordova (Map: Spain, C 4). There are
interesting remains of ancient and mediaeval
times here; of the old Roman town there are a
number of relics. The town has stock-raising in-
terests and manufactures of textiles, leather,
brick and tiles, lime, etc., and carries on a trade
in grain, oil, and wine. Population, in 1887,
12,036; in 1897, 11,994.
BAER, ber, Karl Ernst von (1792-1876). A
Russian naturalist, born in the Province of Estho-
nia, Russia. From 1810 to 1814 he studied
medicine at the University of Dorpat, and subse-
quently comparative anatomy with DiiUinger at
W'iirzburg, and in 1817 became prosector in the
University of Kiinigsberg. He was there ap-
pointed protessor of zoology in 1819, and direct-
or of the Anatomical Institute in 1826. In 1829
he became professor of zoology and member of
the Academy of Sciences at Saint Petersburg.but
returned the following year to Kiinigsberg. After
1834 he was prominently identified with the
Academy of Saint Petersburg. He was one of the
founders of the modern science of embryology,
and was among the most influential scientists of
his day. Of his numerous works, the most im-
portant are Epistola de Ovi ilamnialiuni et
Hominis Genesi (1827), in which the mammalian
egg is described for the first time; Ueber Ent-
uickelungsgeschichte der Thiere (1828-37); and
Untersticluingen iiber die Entwickelung der
Fische (1835). Consult the studj' by Stieda.
(Brunswick, 1878).
BA^ER, William Jacob (I860—). An
American artist, born in Cincinnati. He studied
at the Royal Academy in Munich under Loeflftz,
and was awarded a first-class medal, and a bronze
medal for miniature at the Paris Exposition in
1900. Mr. Baer is probably the first miniature
painter in this country.' Among his works are
the "Madonna with the Auburn Hair," "Daphne,"
"Nymph," "Summer," and "In Arcadia."
BAERLE, biir'le, Cornelius van. A culti-
vator of tulips in the story of the elder Dnmas,
La tiilipc noire.
BAETHGEN, bJt'gen, Fkiedrich (1849—).
A German evangelical theologian and Orientalist,
born at Lachem. He studied at GiJttingen, Kiel,
and Berlin, and held professorships at Kiel,
Halle, and Greifswald. In 1895 he was ap-
pointed professor of Old Testament exegesis and
Semitic languages at the University of Berlin.
His works include Untersuchungen iiber die
Psalmen der Peschita (1878); Evangelienfrag-
mcnte (1885) ; and Die Psalmen iibersetzt und
crkliirt (1892).
BAEYER, bc'yer, Adolf von (1835—). A
distinguished Gemian chemist. He was born at
Berlin. After studying chemistry and physics at
several German universities, and after teaching
for a time at Berlin, he became professor of
chemistry at Strassburg in 1872. Since 1875 he
has taught at the L'niversity of Munich. Profes-
sor Baeyer is one of the greatest investigators in
the domain of organic chemistry and of stereo-
chemistry. He has efifected a very large number
of syntheses, and succeeded in preparing new
classes of carbon compounds, some of which are
not only important from a theoretical point of
view, but have also found extensive application
in the arts. His process for the artificial prepa-
ration of indigo is well known.
BAEYER, Johann Jakob (1794-1885). A German soldier and geologist. He was born at Miiggelslieim, Prussia, and educated at Berlin. He served with distinction in the War of Liberation, and in 1821 entered the topographical bu-