Page:The New Yorker 0002, 1925-02-28.pdf/26

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“Just Like London" --the "Bobby,"

famous the world over. You can' imagine London without him—50 typical is he. . Mrs. Henry Wise Miller, she that was William Emmerich, Jr., the catch of the Alice Duer, is giving a bon voyage party in season (1914-'15), has a new roulette wheel honor of same all day Thursday, prior to for social use. Ah, there, Your Corre- an extended trip to interesting Rome City, spondent's $37! Italy. Among those not invited so far are your correspondent and lady, Rumor hath it that Ben Hecht is going to start a new magazine. Bon voyage, Ben. Zona Gale, western writer and author of Mr. Pitt," is in town for the resumption dence owner of the hotel of the same name Dr. D. Hunter McAlpin, by odd coinci- of Oyster Season. (the McAlpin). gone with his family Barney Baruch is in Nassau or some Sea between Europe and Africa. The time for a cruise on the sapphire Mediterranean such place. Ah, there, you old Deer- will be spent in seeing the sights and en- Slayer! joying themselves. Irving Berlin, well known member of the Rear-Admiral Plunkett, the navy man, Authors' League of America, is sojourning was right upset the other day when a taxi it Palm Beach, having arrived there, so man drove right between his private en- we are told, in one of the many private trance over to the Brooklyn Navy Yard, cars offered him as a means of conveyance he ordering all taxis like it off the prop- thither. erty. Nothing like being firm for Ameri- can rights, Ad., old boy. King George V, the popular Emperor of India, has been on the sick list. Oliver ("Elf") Herford, writer and drawer, was seen coming from a tailor's last week. He said his old pockets were A postcard arrived from friends in St. so stuffed with ms. he had to buy new Moritz, Alps Mountains, last week, an- nouncing they are all sleeping under blan- clothes to get rid of it. kets. Pres. Calvin Coolidge, the well known Phillip Barry and wife, Ellen, are in equestrian, has not been late for breakfast Cannes, a famous French resort for people once, despite his morning gallop on his "in the know." Writing a play neatli charger, Cozy Corner tropic skies, Phil? Popular members of the young set who Heywood Broun, says a statement given enjoyed the World Court Ball at the Plaza out hy Dame Harriet Rumor last Friday, last week was Will Rogers. has had tiff with Herb Swope, Exec. Editor of the World, over Heywood's Harry Kaufman ran into some hard luck daily column being opposed to what seerns of recent date when some slicker changol to be the World's news policy of mention- stickpins on him, substituting a $3.50 article ing every dirty play in town for news for his regular one, same being priced at value. All those interviewed by Mrs. Ru- $6,000.$5,996.50 is no laughing matter, mor seemed to be on Heywood's side of Hal says. the argument. Kenneth MacGowan "got back" at a fel- Mrs. John V. A. Weaver is the latest re. low who was joshing him last week about cruit from Society to the Stage. Mrs. some of his theatrical entertainments not Weaver will appear under a well-known doing so well financially. "Never mind, manager's banner next season using the says Ken quickly, "I have Patience." Life name of Peggy Wood. and Judge are bidding for that one Frank Crowninshield, Grant and Mrs. Mrs. Nanny Larsen Todsen of the Met- "Grant Rice, and Mr. and Mrs. Ring Lard: ropolitan, is showing an improvement in ner, literary people have all come back voice was injured by having a horse step that they had an enjoyable time. H. T. parts, as will be remembered by those who Webster remains there still having satrie keep up with that sort of thing, with brush and palette. . * Carr V. Van Anda, managing editor of ("Jack") Wheeler is a great fight fan and Ye genial ed. of Liberty, John N. the Times newspaper, has arrived in Cali- when seen at ringside with Robert fornia, prior to returning in three months "Bob") Edgren told asking friends he to New York City. didn't figure to call on Mrs. Woodrow Wil- son next visiting to Our Capital, Wash. Arthur Hiram Samuels is studying music City. in preparation for composing the songs for the Dutch Treat Club show which will be Otto Kahn enjoyed a real home-cooked given in March. dinner at his own house of recent date. Just like London is Cruger's. You'll find here exactly the same things men buy in those smart little West End Shops. Ties, hose, shirtings, etc.- drop in or write us.

+ CRUGER'S SES INC. Eight Post Porty Pifth Street-New kick Just off Sch Ave od 'round the cornet from the Rios Digitized by Google