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NOW-All of Poe in ONE Volume!

ten of the Red DGAR ALLAN POE-master-writer of THIS MARVELOUS BOOK SENT thrilling detective stories, of horror and PERSONAL FREE! mystery tales, of romantic adventures, of haunting poetry, of brilliant essays. All, all It le che durm beliet of my rodata ad nyoolt that the the infinitely varied writings of this great Amer. book you see above reprepeat Once you see this remarkable volume, you will ong of the mont remarkable assuredly want to own it. So we offer it to you ican genius are now yours in one marvelous published achievements of the decide. for a week's free examination. No cost, no obli. volume! Ever formerly inted So condent me that you, volumes is here. And in exactly the same size too. will share this opinion gation to you. See for yourself the richness of that I bare Instructed our Ad. type--large, clear and readable. Two thou- vertiunt Department to offer the binding and the convenient form of the the boot to you for free of sand pages are in this amazing book! Yet it book. Note the largeness of the type. Read pooleho obligations of day is less than two inches thick. some of the strange, weird, gripping tales of klad o required... This remarkable for mystery and terror-The Black Pit Incredible? Surely-for when was such a book bene made to that you may be Gure of belat ndeged be- and the Pendulum, the Masque of ever known before? A great new advance in fore you purcha... 11 you do Rot true. return the book at Death. Thrill again to the haunting music of paper-making is responsible--genuine India our expense. The Raven, Ulalume, Annabel Lee. Then if Paper. So finely woven that it is almost with- WALTER J. BLACK, Pree. Plymouth Publieblos Co. you have not fallen irresistibly under Poe's en. out weight, yet so white and opaque that the thralling spell, simply return the book and the large type stands forth crystal clear. week's examination will have cost you nothing. To this rare paper, book-binders have contributed their art- You risk nothing by mailing the coupon. You lose a great to make a volume as beautiful as it is convenient-limp cov- opportunity by not doing so. Tear it out now, before turning ers, heavily grained: gold title and decorations; silk headband the page and mail to: and footband; sepia frontispiece. Truly, a book to grace the finest library. DEPT. THE PLYMOUTH PUBLISHING CO., 22 The New "Midnight Edition" 7 WEST 42nd STREET, NEW YORK CITY But what richness of binding could compare with the treasures within—the priceless treasures of Poe's immortal genius! Turn THE PLYMOUTH PUBLISHING CO., DEPT. 122 7 West 42nd St., New York City the cover and you are in the enchanted world of his soaring Gentlemen: You may send me for one week's examination your imagination. All the masterpieces of his inspired pen are one-volume "Midnight Edition of Poe's Complete Worke, printed In large, clear type on zenuine India Paper. I will either rend you yours to enjoy. Here is a whole library in itself, for the $5.45 plus the few cents postage within a week in full payment or return amazing versatility of Poe responds to your every mood. the book at your expense. Enthralling tales of mystery to hold you spellbound! Hum- Name orous sketches of scintillating brilliance. Poetry to stir your Address heart, with its haunting beauty. Read, too, James Russell Lowell's fascinating account of Poe's life, and the intimate reminiscences of his friend, N. P. Willis. Know the true Poe, Mark X here if you prefer book bound in Perslan Morocen at only $1.59 more. Same approval privilege. unhappy victim of a wild, tragic life. City...... Digitized by Google