Page:The New Yorker 0002, 1925-02-28.pdf/33

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Mens Luncheon Service-474 Street Entrance Boston Notes

TAMES MICHAEL (Honest Jim) CURLEY, Boston's mayor, who did his stretch some years back for obligingly taking Civil Service examinations under the name of a less brilliant friend, has got his fighting blood up. Ever since "La- fayette Mulligan," self-alleged and fic- titious ex-secretary to his Honor, offered the keys of the city to H. R. H. the Prince of Wales, James Michael has had sleuths on the trail of the miscreant. The latest suspect is one Buxton, the local Frank I. Cobb whose prose masterpiece, "Who Made Calvin Coolidge?” won the Pulitzer prize as the loveliest editorial of last year. Buxton and his buddies on the Harald deny their guilt and the hounds of justice are sniffing new trails. Madison Avenue at 47 Street NEW YORK I. Maillard Confections Jaported Bonbonnieres Luncheon - Tea It is rumored that the boys from Scot- land Yard are also in the chase. Appar- ently the British Government feels that the anonymous Mulligan has made royalty ridiculous by sending a fake invitation which Albert Edward took seriously. They have the coöperation of the Lily Gilders' Union. Michigan Fat Jackson CHICAGO The foam on the crest of Boston's crime wave is dashing high. The other day Police Commissioner Wilson and the "Model Cop," whose name escapes us but does not matter, were passing the time of day in front of a Schulte cigar store, one block away from the clegant Hotel Tou- raine. The talk was turning on some such subject as the Celtic Renaissance or the Traffic Problem, when a bandit walked into the store behind them and walked out again some minutes later with $180 in his pocket just as the Commissioner 323 agreeing with the cop that Donn Byrne was the greatest writer since Synge. The gunman is still loose. The police force seems a triflc looser. Dinea Dance THE HOLLIDAY BOOKSHOP 10 WEST 47th STREET Current English Books IN THE DELLA ROBBIA ROOM OF The VANDERBILT Hotel Ohin Fourth Street SAST at Past benne Tue, Wed., Thurs.. Fri., Sat., Seven to Twelve o'clock Sa per person Formal Van.7100 A REAL COMEDY TRIUMPH THE YOUNGEST No matter how hard it tries, Boston cannot look like Paris and it has tried hard. The latest attempt took the form of rubbish cans bearing colored advertise- ments much like those that decorate the kiosks on the Boulevard des Italiens. These were supplied by an advertising firm which paid the city $10 apiece for each receptacle. When they were all in- alled such a howl went up from the same people who wish that we had side- Walk cafes that the offensive objects have teen ordered off the streets. AIA with Henry HULL & Genevieve TOBIN L. Erlanger GAIETY Mat. Wed. thuru, Sat. 2:30 B'way & 46 SL. Eve. 8:30 6TH MONTH BAYES Thea, 44. W. of B'y. Eva. 8:30 Matincea Wed. & Set. 2:30 Telephone: BRYANT 8527 MY SON RITZ 488 W. of B'way. Ever.. 8:30. Mats. Wed., Sat, 2:30 The forgetful and impertinent Man- hartaner who indignantly asks why there should be a column of Boston Notes in his favorite paper must be reminded that Boston is the home city of Henry Cabot Lodge and Bert Savoy, although they have both died recently.Beans George ARLISS "OLD ENGLISH" Google Digitized by