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Books of Love, Life and Laughter 50 Take Your Pick at only 5c Per Book a tuualon? 138 Stunden openbaar Dramas free pondearen Writing Comelech Fold Up Stories Act Play . wa Julius 648 Rejuvenation's 668 Humoroue Fables.

Ice of Being Exter. De Quincey Shop Schopenhauer 333 Literatunden. Ter Goethe Other Poems 25 Rhyming Dictionary 147 Crowelled HL Times Engllab 84 Louderen' of . Nun 598 Haeckel: Philosopher- 7 Liber og rey

ONLY Your Pick of Hundreds of Great Books-60,000,000 Sold in Five Years-Mail in Your Order Today Order by Number—Read Master Writers Like De Maupassant, Balzac, Mark Twain, Boccaccio and EACH Many Others Equally Entertaining ORDER BY ORDER BY NUMBER NUMBER 231 Humorous Sketches 670 Jogh Billing's Comical 466 In 537 Lite of Barnum. Finger 3as Essence of Buddhism Twain Ledcou 33 Bron: Sham Smasher 166 English - She is Spoke. 669 Josh Biling's Humorou 454 The Unworthy Cooper. 540 Love Stories in Yellow, 48 Bacon'. Eenay Mark Twala Epigramo Haldemat-Julian Black, etc. De 167 Plutarcho Rules of Health 396 Jumping Frog. Mark 063 Journalism in Tennes- IOS 7 Hanged. Andreyev $3 Ingects and Ven. Darrow Twain set. Twain 131 Redemption. Tolstol etc. De Gourmont 339 Thoreau the Man Who 14 What Every Cle Should 675 Philosophy of Love 1 Rubaiyat Omar 554 Child's Garden of Verses Know. Mr. Sanger Becaped from the Herd

  • 19 Nietsache

Sarab Bernhardt Khayyam 40 Pillar of Society. Iben 01 Manhood: Facts of Lille 661 America and Sex - 314 French Short Storlen. 170 Copylantine and Begia- tza Spiritualiom. Doyle & 317 Pusle of Personality. pula. Theodore Drelser Daudet DİR of Christianity McCabe Wm. J. Flelding 314 Hints on Writing Poetry 324 Life of Lincoln. Bowery 73 Whitman' Poema 55 Spencer: Life and Works 190 Payeto-Analyula: The 55$ Structure of the Earth 133 Chinese Philosophy of 311 Loddog for Night. 266 Lite of Shakespeare Key to Human Be 556 Hinta on Etiquette Life SteyerLBOD 368 Merchant of Venice havior. Fielding 567 Darwin As Naturlat 161 Rue Morgue. Poe 133 Electridty Explained 142 Blomarck's Life 447 Auto-Suggestion - How 568 Darwin and Evolution 74 On Threshold of Sex SIO Electric Energy: What 179 Gems from Emeron It Works. Fielding 595 Happy Hypocrite. 02 Hypnotium Made Plain It Does. Moritzen 376 Speeches of Washington 651 How to Puycho-Analyse Beerbohm 149 Historic Crimer Finger 114 God: Known and Un- 330 Prace. Machlavelll Your 506 History of Modern Merico 66 Cdmes of Borglas know. Butler 652 KK K Destructive? in Pendimi. 32 Poe'. Poems New Fountain of Debate. Imperlat Word 391 History of Evolution. 327 Ice Age, Finger 26 Dialoquet. Plato Youth. Feldin Evans and Zangwill Fenton dou Fittest. 196 The Marquise. Sand 650 K.K.K-The Kited of 658 Walldog Tourt 909 Aspects of Birth Control Tichenor 195 Nature. Thoreau the Klanten Stevenson 206 Debate on Birth Control 28 Toleration. Voltaire 347 Macbeth. Shakespeare $8 Tales from the Deau- 603 Amulag Antweta to Mr. Sanger and Rumeli 184 Primaldive Belleft 116 Proverbe of China eron. Boccaccio 376 Woman of No Impor- 375 Building of the Earth. 379 WIRO MOL Stevenson 672 Iniet Love, etc. Boccaccio tance. Oscar Wilde Fenton 36 Soul of Man, Wilde 673 Tales of Love and Life. 664 Oscar Wilde'. Letlen to 377 A Night in Luxem 330 Fleece of Gold. Gautier 18 Hinta on Public Speaking Boccacco Surah Bernhardt bourg. Gourmont 204 Sue Worship. Tichenot 238 Reflections on Science 674 The Falcon, etc. Bos 665 Love Letters of Sarah 48a Five Weeb in Balloon. 345 Clarimonde. Gautier Huxley caccio Bernhardt to Sardou Verde 167 Whistler Humor I$9 Guide to Plato. Durant 344 Don Juan. Balme 437 Hince on Scenario 76 Prince of Peace. Bryan 75 Choice of Books. Carlyle 1's Balzac's Short Stories 113 Proverbe of England 121 Proverbe of Arabia 6 Love, and Other Stories 583-584-585-586-587-588 342 Hintson, News Reporting 114 Proverb of Prince 793 Vulon. Stevenson De Maupasant 199 The Tallow Ball. 326 Hinta on Writing Short 119 Proverbe of Ireland De 166 Eplerams, Wilde Mauperunt 594 The Overmas. Upton 406 Hinta on Writing One- 29 Dreams. Schriger 99 Tartude Molière 178 One of Cleopatra's Sinclair Nighus Gautier 659 The Lost Phoebe. 293 Fig. De Maupassant 313 of Lying Wilde 1$$ Maxime Napoleon 177 Subjection of Women. Mull 557 Is The Moon A Dead Theodort Drelser 796 Lyric Love Robert 148 Strength of the Strong. 193 Wit of Charles Lamb World? 653 What Every Boy Should Browning London Crusoe Know. Fielding 28r Wiadom Dicken. Wilde' Ballad of Reading 210 Stole Philosophy. Murray $6o Electn, Euripides 654 What Every Young Swisey Jall 335 Essays. Chesterton Trans. by Harvey Man Should Know 3 Estayt. Voltaire 38a Humor of Lincoln 251 Midnummer Night's Flelding 561 African Jungle Talen 417 Nature of Dreams. Car. 319-130 Dante's Inferno. ? vole. Dream s6a Antigone, Sophocles. 239 36 Men and a Girl rington 214 Speeches of Lincoln 88 Vindication of Paine. Gorky 6s Meditation. Marcus 126 History of Rome. Gllen Ingersoll Ught on Prehistorie 46 Salome. Orcar Wilde Aureliu 69 Life of Mary, Queen of Scots 146 Snow bound. Pied Piper Cultures. Shipley 163 Sex Life in Greece and 295 Master Bullder. I been 308 She Stoope to Conquer, 203 Rights of Women. Elle 564 Volney Ralnad Empires Rome 232 Three Strangert Hardy Goldamith 318 Prometheus. Aeschylos 570 Legend of Saint Julian 95 Conferions of un Oplum 21 Carmen Merimee 60 Emerson't Emays so Paine's Common Sense 289 Pepys' Dlary 157 Plato' Republic 85 Attack on Mill. Zola 571 Kant' Cruical Philos 189 Eupenica. 27 Las Daz Condemned 116 wit of Helne. Eliot TOZ Thoughts of Pascal ophy 83 Marriage, Pugt und Pret Men. Hugo & Lady Windermere's Fan. 943 As You Like It $72 Besproper. Taha Gay ent. Mr Benant 513 Gint of Herbert Spencer Wide 202 The Vamptre, etc. Kip 303 Artemu Ward--His Book 336 Mark of the Beaut. 4 Telal and Death of Socrates 240 Jullue Shakespeare 514 The Christian System llng Kipling IB2 Daisy Miller. H. James 274 Animals of Andent Lande ind Eay 98 How to Love 12 Tolstot: His Life and Works Enoch 71 What Great Men Have 151 Man 101 Bvolution vu. Religion 575 Emaya in Ethio. Sald About Women Kine. Kipling 129 Rome or Rason. Ingersoll 134 McNeal-Sinclair Debatt Schopenhauet 304 What Great Women 108 Majenty of Justice. 49 Evolution. Haeckel on Sociale 576 The Bacheridion or Have wald About Men Anatole France 61 Schopenhauer's Earys JIS Pen, Pencil, Poluon. Wilde Moon. Epfeletus Age of Reason. Palne 150 Lost Civilization. Finger 280 Happy Prince. Wilde 287 Whirllet: Man & His Work 577 The Luted Vell. Eliot 43 Origin of the Human 143 Time of Terror. Balanc 531 Life of Tom Palne. Gunn 164 Michael Angelo's Sonnets 578 The Haunted House and Race 323 Life of Joan of Are Other Poemt. George 293 Orbello. Shakespeare 312 Buddhist Philosophy 124 Tbeory Reincarnation 493 New Discoveries in Science 480 Yiddion Short Stories 17 On Walking. Thoreau Sylvester Viereck 719 Hutan Tragedy. 125 War Speeches of Wilson 488 Grert Yiddish Poetry 283 Courtship of Milea $70 The Three and 13 Poe's Tale of Mystery Essence of Confuclaniam Standish 18 Idle Thoughts Jerome 17 Lure and Character. 117 Proverbe of Italy 580 A History of Polar Ex- 38 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Goethe 465 Esperanto for Beginner 343 Life of Columbus ploration and Adven- 45 Tolstot's Stories 132 Foundation of Religion g 420 Great Spanish Love ture. Helen Putnam English Poems 61 Tolstoi Benny Stories Van Sicklen Ba Common Faults la 44 Aesop's Fables 416 God of Vengeance. Arch 347 Guide to Stolcm On Life und 353 Short Storien. Wm. Morris 193 Book of Synonyme 398 Irian Folk Songs and Tales Life of Johnson. Macaulay 593 AS A Man Thinketh, 20 Let'. Laugh. Naaby 177 Evolution of Love. Key 399-400 Arabian Nighta. 2 vols. 71 Color of Lite Huidem Allen 24 The Kla, etc. Chekhov 318 Christin Flandera 395 Autobiography of Cellia! Bulzac 215 Miraculous Revenge 396 Emben Haldemad-Julius a56 Venus and Adonla Naturallet. Fentou Bernard Shaw 43 Marriage and Divorce 369 Artemua Ward's Travels 317 L'Allegro. Milton 617 Hamilcar: Great Man of TO3 Sherlock Holmes Tales Greeley and Owen 363 Miggles, etc Harte 115 Proverbs of Japan Cartbar, Flaubert 145 Great Ghost Storlen 123 Life of Du Barry 357 City of Dreadful Night. 118 Proverbs of Russia 630 The Second Story Man. 33 Great Sea Stories 250 Romeo and Juliet Kipling 1&1 Epigrame. Thoreau Upton Sinclair 161 Country of the Bund. 50 Eplename of Wit and 334 Caught, etc. Haldeman- 310 Windom of Thackeray 660 My Brother Paul. Wells Wisdom Julius Theodore Dreiber 165 Discovery of the Future. 100 Red Laugh. Andreyev 319 Saint-Gerane Dumas 676 Sarah Bernhardt'. Love H. G. Wetla 236 Heart affairs of Henry 307 Twvlon Scandal. Barrle Letter to Plerre Ber- 130 Controversy on Chris VIIT 301 Sailor, Cowboys Songt Order by number instead ton. Tranalated by tenlly. Ingersoll and 56 Wisdom of Ingersoll 36 Golag to Church. Shaw of dtles. For lo tance, If you Sylvestre Dorian Gladstone 03 How to Live 100 Years 384 Poems of Burns want 'Carmen," umply 67B Haldeman-Julius - The 177 Man Without a Country, 290 Poe's Gold Bug 200 Ignorant Pullomopher. write dowa 21." Retnem Man and His Work Hale 158 Alice in Wonderland Voltaire ber the minimum quantity 221 On Womep. Maeterlinck 41 Xmas Carol. Dickens 103 Pocket Theology. Voltaire is book many more 680 Louis Pasteur: The Man 30 What Lite Meads to 144 Was Poe Immoral? 211 idea of God in Nature. MU - you like. Send money und Hip Work, Dr. Me. Jack London 377 Man Who WAL Kipling cbeck (add 16c. to Morria Flakbein 491 Pryctology for Beginners 87 Love. Montaigne 318 Frienduhi pete Thoreau for X- 693 Memorandum Book 477 Theosophy In Outline. 89 Love Letter of Genius 216 Essence of the Talmud chango), tampo of anota A-1009 1924 Republican and Wulin SI6 Book of Real Adventure with all order. If you want Democrate 438-439 Secret Memoin 2 S17 Mark Twain; Philoso . book shipped prepald, en- 590-591-592 The MWennlus vols. Madame De pber 104 Waterloo. Hugo clone 10 per cent of the 3 vola Upton Sinclair Pompadour 519 Guide to Rabelais. 134 Mleanthrope Mollere amount of order in addidon. 558 Great Pinta Flager 462 Eedayt. Haldemad- Goldbe 178 HaLife Any Meaning? Otherwise books u be sent 666-661 Sarah Bernhardt Al Jolina 324 Death And ita Problems Harrú Ward expres collect. Canada and Knew Her. 2 vols. 463 Art of Reading, Halde- 533 Easy on Jesua. Harvey 57 Rip Van Winkle. Irving foreign price, 7 canto per Dorlan MAD-Julius 533 Beyn on Friends of Jeput do Mikado. Gilbert book delivered Ses Robinson Shelpley 563 Netreby Harvey haabert 26 Ghosts boer Would Be 581 Lucretine Julius Gunn podobnal chocker Haldeman-Julius Co., Dept. B-322, Girard, Kansas Google Digitized by