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Page:The Olive Its Culture in Theory and Practice.djvu/14

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Providential tree." He further says that but for the olive a great part of the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea and its dependencies, European, Asiatic and African, which are now covered with its perennial verdure and form the source of the wealth of the people of that region, would be sterile and desert. Few trees can contend with it for the title of primate, and Columella was well advised in proclaiming it the best of his times.

The olive is limited in its possible extension, but still the Italian has already looked forward with dread to its cultivation in Australia, and now California seems likely to prove a formidable rival. But his fears would seem to be unfounded, as the only effect of a supply of pure olive oil in the United States from California, is likely to be a greatly increased demand for the pure article, whether it comes from abroad or at home.

The olive has advantages, however, over most other oil producing trees, such as the walnut, sesame, peanut, linseed, rapeseed, castor oil, and poppy, which, as a rule, demand a rich soil and minute care. Consequently, where the olive prospers it is not worth while to cultivate other trees or plants which produce oil.

The ancients used oil for food, for light, and for anointing the body. It grew to be a maxim in the latter days of the Roman Empire that life was prolonged by oil without, and honey within.

Modern uses are more numerous; for food, for light, for soap, in dyeing, in perfumery, in pharmacies, in manufacture of cloths and for machine oil, especially in cold countries.

The economic future of olive culture seems most promising, since its uses increase steadily, while for food alone the demand is ever greater than the supply, as is proved by the enormous amount of adulterated oil openly sold in all the markets of the world.


Italy comes first as an oil producing country as her export is the largest. This kingdom has yielded in oil as follows, viz: