Ghaob 94 Ghayas hood after his defeat, but he died at Banaras on his way to his native country, Ireland. His great-granddaugh- ter is the wife of a writer on a humble salary at present (1867) in one of the Government Offices in Agrah. There is a Life of George Thomas" written by a friend of his in the Dehli Institute Library. Ghaeb, V^'-^, a poet who died in 1750 A. D., 1163 A. H. Crhafil, LS'i^'J (J^f^, a poet of Agrah. Ghairat Khan, i^'^ ^J^.^, title of Khwaja Kangar, the nephew of 'Abdullah Khan, Ffroz Jang and son of Sar- dar Khan. In the year 1631 A. D., he brought the head of Khan Jahan Jodi to Shah Jahan, and was raised to the rank of 2000 with the title of Ghairat Khan. He died in 1640 A. D., 1050 A. H., at Thatta of which place he was governor. He is the author of the " Jahangir Nama." Ghalib, V^'^j the poetical title assumed by Muhammad Sa'd, author of a Diwan which he completed in the year 1690 A. D., 1101 A. H.
Ghalib, (Arabic characters) the poetical name of Mir Fakhr-uddm, author
of a book of Kasidas which he finished in the 6th year of
Muhammad Shah the emperor of Dehli, 1734 A. D., 1136
A. H.
Ghalib, V-"^, poetical title of Sheikh Asad-uUah, son of the
sister of Sheikh Muhammad Afzal of Allahabad. He died
in 1750 A. D., 1163 A. H.
Ghalib, v'^j poetical name of Mixza Asad-ullah Khan,
aiithor of a Diwan, and a history of the Mughal emperors
of India. He was the son of ' Ali Bakhsh Khan, the brother
of Nawab Ahmad Bakhsh Khan of Firozpur and Lohari.
He died at Dehli in the month of February or March,
1869 A. D., 1285 A. H.
Ghani, u^^j the poetical name of Mirza Muhammad Tahir.
He is commonly called Ghani Kashmiri on account of his
being a native of Kashmir. He was a pupil of Sheikh
Muhsin-Fani, whom he excelled in his learning and
became an elegant poet. He wrote a book of Odes called
"Diwan Ghani," and died at Kashmir two years before
his master 1668 A. D., 1079 A. II. It is said that the
emperor 'Alamgir wrote to Saif Khan the governor of
Kashmir to send Ghani to his presence. Ghani refused
to go, telling him at the same time to inform the emperor
that Ghani had become insane and was not worthy to be
sent to his presence. Saif Khan said, that he could
not call a wise man like him mad ; upon which Ghani
immediately got mad, tore his clothes, and died after
three days. He was a young man at the time of his
death, having enjoyed a brilliant reputation for poetical
excellence for about eighteen years. He sometimes uses
Tahir for his poetical name.
Ghani Bahadur, J'>^-? ls*^? son of Shamsher Bahadur I,
and younger brother of 'Ali Bahadur, the Nawab of Banda.
Vide 'Ali Bahadur.
Ghanimat, poetical name of Muhammad Akram,
author of a short Diwan and a Masnawi containing an
account of the Loves of Aziz and Shahid, called " Nairang
Ishk," composed in the reign of Alamgir.
Gharib, poetical name of Sheikh Nasir-uddin of
Dehli. He is the author of a Diwan in Persian.
Gharib, Vrl^-^j poetical name of Sayyad Karim-ullah of
Ghasiti Begam, c^J j (^^H ij^^, the wife of
Shahamat Jang, and Amina Begam the mother of Nawab
Siraj-uddaula, were daughters of Nawab Mahabat Jang of
Bengal ; they were drowned in the river, close to Jahan-
girnagar, by order of Miran the son of Nawab Ja'far 'Ali
Khan, in June, 1760 A. D.
Ghayas Halwai, lS^J-'^ <t)^i^, of Shiraz, was blind
and died by a fall from the terrace of a house in the time
of Shah Safi. He is the author of a Diwan.
Ghayas-Uddin, ti^**^' <t>^^, author of a Persian Dic-
tionary called " Ghayas-ul-Lughat," vide Muhammad
Ghayas-uddin Bahmani, L5^*t? '^^i^ ^yliai-.
(Sultan) the eldest son of Sultan Mahmud Shah I. He
ascended the throne of the Dakhan in his seventeenth year,
after the death of his father in April, 1397 A. D. He
had reigned only one month and twenty days, when
Lalchin, one of the Turkish slaves, not being appointed
prime minister to which office he had aspired, put out
his eyes with the point of his dagger, and having sent him
in confinement to the fortress of Sagar, placed Shams-ud-.
din, the late king's brother on the throne. This circum-
stance took place on the 14th of June, 1397 A. D., 17th
Eamazan, 799 A. H.
Ghayas-uddin Balban, ^^'^•'1 >->^
(Sultan) king of Dehli. In his youth he was sold as a
slave to Sultan Altimsh, who raised him by degrees to the '
rank of a noble, and gave him his daughter in marriage.
On the accession of his son Nasir-uddin Mahmud to the
throne of Dehli, Ghaj^as-uddin was appointed his wazir.
After the king's deposal or death in February, 1266 A. D.,
664 A. H., he ascended the throne and reigned 20 years.
He died in 1286 A. D., 685 A. "H., aged 80 years, and was
succeeded by his grandson Moiz-uddin Kaikubad, the son
of Nasir-uddin Baghra Khan, governor oif Bengal, who
was then absent in that province.
Ghayas-uddin Kart I (Malik), (Arabic characters),
fourth king of the race of Kart or Kard. He succeeded
his brother Malik Fakhr-uddin Kart in 1307 A. D.,
706 A. H., reigned more than 21 years over Hirat^
Baikh, and Ghazni, and died in the year 1329 A. D.
729 A. H. He was succeeded by his son Mahk Shams-'
uddin Kart.
Ghayas-uddin Kart II (Malik), »2*;-^e^J'>>^(d)tj|C,
the eighth and last king of the dynasty of Kart or Kard.
He succeeded his father or grandfather Moiz-uddin Hu-
sain Kart in 1370 A. D., 771 A. H., and reigned 12 years
over Hirat, Ghor, Sarakhsh and Naishapur, and conquered
Tiis and Jam. He was a great tyrant, and had several
battles with the Sarbadals of Sabzwar and the chiefs of
Jani Kurbani. In the year 1381 A. D., 783 A. H., Amir
Taimur (Tamerlane) conquered Hirat, when Ghayas-
uddm together with his son and brother were taken pri.
soners and put to death. This dynasty lasted one hundred
and nineteen lunar years and two months.
Ghayas-uddin Khilji (Sultan), (Arabic characters),
succeeded his father Sultan Mahmud Khilji
on the throne of Gujr&t in May, 1469 A. D., Zi-Ka'da 873
A. H. When he had reigned 33 years and'arrived at an
advanced age, his two sons anxiously looked for his death
as an event which would secure to one of them the throne
of Malwa ; a jealousy arose between the two brothers who
conspired against each other, till Nasii--uddin, the eldest
having put his brother, Shuja'at Khan to death on the
22nd of October, 1500 A. D., 24th Eabi' II, 906 A. H.
assumed the reins of government. A few days after his
father was found dead in the seraglio ; and it was sup.
posed that poison had been administered to him by his;