Ghayas 95 Ghazi Ghayas-uddin Mahmud, •ij*^'" e^'^t '^k^, the son of Ghayas-uddm Muhammad Ghon', succeeded his uncle Shahab-uddm in the kingdom of Ghor and Ghazni in 1205 A. D., 602 A. H. He reigned about four years, and ■was assassinated by the people of Mahmud AH Shah on Saturday night, the 31st of July, 1210 A. D., 7th Safar, 607 A. H. He was at first buried at Firoz K6h, but was afterwards transported to Hirat and buried there. He was succeeded by his son Baha-uddin Sam, who was after three months defeated by 'Ala-uddin Atsiz (son of Ala-uddin Hasan surnamed Jahan Soz) who reigned in Ghor and Ghazni for four years, and fell in battle against Malik Nasir-uddfn Husain Amir Shikar in the year 1214 A. D., 611 A. H. After his death Ala-uddin Muhammad son of Abii Alf, cousin of Malik Ghayas-uddin Muhammad was raised to the throne by Taj-uddin Eldiiz. Ghayas-uddin Muhammad, (Sultan), .>*sr« ^^J,<i^} ^Ls> the son of MaUk Shah of the Saljuk dynasty. In the time of his eldest brother Barkayarak the empire was divided, Barkayarak retaining Persia ; Ghayas-uddin Muhammad, Syria and Azurbejan ; and Sultan Sanjar, Khurasan and Mawarunnahr. He reigned about the year 1095 A. D. Vide Muhammad (Sultan). Ghayas-uddin Muhammad Ghori, isjy^ lyJi^-'t i^^i^, king of Ghor and Ghazm, was the son of Baha-uddin Sam, the youngest brother of Ala-uddin Ha- san Ghori. He succeeded to the tlirone of Ghor and Ghazni after the death of his cousin Malik Saif-uddfn the son of the latter, about the year 1157 A. D., and conferred the government of Ghazni on his brother Shahab-uddin surnamed Mo'iz-uddin Muhammad ; this illustrious ge- neral subdued Khurasan and a great part of India in the name of his brother Ghayas-uddin, who annexed those countries to his own dominions. Ghayas-uddin died on Wednesday, the 12th of March, 1203 A. D., 27th Jumada I, 699 A. H., and was succeeded by his brother Shahab- uddin. Ghayas-uddin Mahmud Ghori, isJJ^ ^y*'^ <^^i^, the son of Ghayas-uddin Muhammad Ghori, and nephew of Shahab-uddin Muhammad Ghori, whom he succeeded to the throne of Ghor and Ghazni in 1206 A. D. Mahmud being naturally indolent, remained satisfied with the throne of Ghor, and proclaimed Taj-uddin Elduz, king of Ghazni. He died in 1210 A. D. Ghayas-uddin Purbi, tsO-?^ c^:!'^'" "^'i^, succeeded his father Sikandar Purbi on the throne of Bengal in 1367 A. D., 775 A. H., reigned for a period of seven years, and died in 1373. He was succeeded by his son Sultan- us-Salatin. Ghayas-uddin Tughlak Shah I (Sultan), 6^ ^^oJt iti^ ij^'^, king of Dehli. His father Tughlak was a slave of Sultan Ghayas-uddin Balban. He ascended the throne of Pehli after murdering Khusro Shah on the 26th August, 1321 A. D., 1st Shaban, 721 A. H., reigned three years and some months, and was crushed to death by the fall of a temporary wooden building which his son had raised for his entertainment on his return fromLakhnauti in February, 1325 A. D., Rabi' I, 725 A. H. His son Muham- mad Tughlak succeeded him. The celebrated poet Amir Khusro of Dehli, who lived to the end of this king's reign and received a pension of 1000 tangas monthly, wrote the history of this prince under the title of " Tughlak Nama." Ghayas-uddin was the first king of the 3rd branch of the Afghan dynasty which is called Tughlak Shahi. The following is a list of the Sultans of this branch : — Ghayas-uddin Tughlak I. Mahmud Shah Tughlak last Muhammad Shah Tughlak I. of this family expelled by Firoz Shah Tughlak. Amir Taimur. Ghayas-uddin Tughlak II. (Nasrat Khan). Abu Bakr Shah. " (Ikbal Ivhan). Muhammad Shah Tughlak II. Mahmud Shah restored. Ala-uddin Sikandar Shah. Ghayas-uddin Tughlak II, (Siiltan), (3^*^ lij^i-'^ lij'^-'-*', was the son of prince Fatha Khan and grandson of Firoz Shah Tughlak. He ascended the throne in place of Firoz Shah in Dehli on the death of his grandfather in 1388 A. D., 790 A. H., but giving loose to his youthful passions, and neglecting the alfairs of the State, the chiefs together with the household troops re- volted, and put him to death on the 19th February, 1389 A. D., 21st Safar, 791 A. H., after he had reigned six months. He was succeeded by his cousin Abu Bakr Tughlak the son of prince Zafar Khan, the third son of Fii'oz Shah. Ghazali, cs-'i}^, vide Ghazzali. Ghazanfar Khan, (d'=^^'^-'^, son of Alawardi Khan I and brother of Alawardi Khan II, a nobleman of the reign of Shah Jahan and ' Alamgir. He was three times at difierent periods appointed governor of Saharanpur and afterwards of Thatta in Sindh, where he died on the 1st May, 1666 A. b., 17th Zi-Ka'da, 1077 A. H. His remains were brought to Dehli and buried there. Ghazan Khan, ly^ ci'j^j seventh king of Persia of the Tartar tribe and fourth in descent from Halaku Khan, was the son of Arghiin Khan. He succeeded to the crown of Persia after the dethronement of Baidii Khan his uncle in October, 1295 A. D., Zil-hijja, 694 A. H. He was the first emperor of the race of Ohangez Khan who embraced the religion of Muhammad, and Avith him near one hundred thousand of his followers followed then- leader into the pale of Islam. He was the first of this race of kings who threw off all allegiance to the Kliakan of Tar- tary, by directing that the name of that monarch (whom he now deemed to be an infidel) should not, in future be struck on the coins of Persia. After embracing Muhamma- danism, he took the title of Sultan Mahmud. He reigned nearly nine years and died on Sunday, the 17th of May, 1304 A. D., 11th Shawwal, 703 A. H., at Kazwin ; he was interred in a superb mosque which he had constructed near Tauris or Tabrez. He was succeeded by his brother Aljaitu, who took the title of Muhammad Khuda Banda. Ghazi, LSj^^f the poetical title of a person who served as Kurbegi under the prince Sultan Muhammad Muazzim the son of the emperor 'Alamgir. Ghazi, L^i'^j or Al-Ghazi, the son of Ortak, the first of the Turkman Ortakite princes who seized Jerusalem and reigned in Mardin and Miafarkin in Syria. The follow- ing princes are his descendants : A. D. A.H. Husam-uddin Taimurtash son of Alghazi, began to reign, 1122 516 Najm-uddin Abu'l Muzafi'ar Albi or Alpi, son of Taimurtash, 1162 547 Kutb-uddin Alghazi, son of Albi, 1176 572 Husam-uddin Yiilak Arsalan, the son of Kutb-uddin 1184 580 Malik Almansur Nasir-uddin Ortak Arsa- lan, son of Kutb-uddin 1201 597 Malik-US-Said Najm-uddin Ghazi, son of Nasir-uddin Ortak, 1239 637 MaUk-ul-Mazaffar Kara Arsalan, son of Najm-iiddin, 1255 653 Shams-uddin Daud 1291 691 Malik-al-Mansui- Najm-uddin Ghazi, 1293 693 Albi Malik-ul-Adil 'Imad-uddin 'Ali, .... 1312 712 MaUk-us-Salah Shams-uddin Salah, the last prince of this race, 1312 712
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