Sliidi 256 Shaikh the Persian and Turkish romances, which celehrated the love of Khusro for Shirm, of Shirin for Farhad the most heautiful youth of the East. This celebrated heauty has heen accused of giving those aiFections, which a monarch so anxiously sought, to the lowly Farhad, in whose breast her beauties kindled a flame, which deprived him of reason and life. We are told that the son of Khusro, after put- ting his father to death, sought the favours of his father's misteess ; who appeared to consent, but desired to take one look at the remains of his father. The murdered body of her former lover was shown to her, and she immediately put an end to her existence by stabbing herself. Fide Farhad. Shidi, IS'^} an Aft-ican. Sliidi Poulad Khan, eJ^^ ih' iS'^t-^, vide Foulad Khan Shidi. Shefta, ^^^'^'^^ his proper title and name is Nawab Mustafa Khan of Dehli, the son of Nawab Murtaza Khan. He was a "-ood poet and had adopted two poetical names, viz , Shefta and Hasrati. In the art of poetry he was a pupil of Momin who died 1852 A. D., 1250 A. H. He is the author of a Diwan and a biography of Urdu poets ■which he wrote in 1834 called Gulshan Beikhar. Shaikh. 'Alai, i^^^ ^-^t a philosopher of Bayana, who made a great noise in the world in the reign of Sultan Salim Shah by introducing a new system of religion. He called himself Imam Mahdi who is believed to be the last of the prophets. This impostor raised great dis- turbances in the empire, converted some thousands by force and persuasion. After being twice banished by the kin"', he returned, and kindled fresh troubles, for which he was scourged to death at Agrah, by order of the king 1548 A. D., 955 A. H. He remained firm to his doctrine in the agonies of death ; but his rehgion was not long maintained by his disciples. Vide Am Translation, (AbuT-Fazl's Biography). Shaikh 'Alam, C^^^ ^^"^j who wrote a book on the Music of India, and called it Madhoanal or Madho Naek, after the name of the musician who first wrote it in Hindi. Shaikh 'Ali, ls^ author of the "Jawahir-ul- Samania." Shaikhi 1st, iS^^t a poet, on whom Murad I had con- ferred a wazirship. The following amusing anecdote of this poet is recorded by an author. In the early part of his career Shaikhi suffered much from a complamt in the eyes, and, being very poor, he was so inconsequent as to open a shop for the sale of eye-water. The price was an asper a bottle. One day, however, a stranger, passmg by and observing the bloodshot eyes of the poet, stopped to purchase a bottle, and in paying for it laid down two aspers. " I charge but one asper," said Shaikhi, do you not know that?" "Certainly I know it," said the stranger, and therefore you see I give you a second." "Give me a second!" replied Shaikhi angrily, "for what ?" To enable you to buy one of your own bottles, my friend, replied the other coolly, " and cure yourself!" The poet shrugged his shoulders and shut up his shop. He flourished about the year 1395. Shaikhi 2nd, a Turkish poet, who was contemporary with Abmadi. Shaikh Buhlul, JjV f^-^> the brother of the saint Muhammad Ghaus of Gwaliar. He was put to death in A'grah by Mirza Handal, the brother of the emperor Humayun about the year 1539 A. D., 945 A. H. His tomb is on a hill near the fort of Byana. Shaikh Farid Bhakari, lSj^ic- j' •^-^j a native of Bhakar, and author of the work called " Zakhirat-ul- Kawanin," which he composed in the time of the emperor Shah Jahan 1650 A. D., 1060 A. H. Shaikh Farid Bukhari, "V^* ^i"*", a nobleman, who in the first year of Jahangfr, was raised to the rank of 5,000, with the title of Murtaza Khan, and appointed Paymaster General of the army. He died in the year leie A. D., 1025 A. H. Shaikh Ibrahim, an uncle of the poet Hazin. He is the author of the " Eafa'-ul-Khilaf," which contains glosses on various works, and of the " Kashif-ul- Ghawashi" being glosses on the Kashshaf as far as the 49th Sura, and of a commentary on Euclid. He died at Lahi- janin 1707 A. D., 1119 A. H. Shaikh Jalal, surnamed Makhdum Jahanian Jahangasht ; a celebrated saint of Multan, the son of Sayyad Ahmad Kabfr the son of Saj'yad Jala'l Bukhari. He was the disciple of Shaikh Rukn-uddin Abu'l Fatha, grandson of Shaikh Baha-uddin Zikaria. He is said to have travelled all over the world, and is on that account called Jahangasht. He made seven pilgrimages to Mecca and brought from there a stone bearing the foot mark of the prophet, which he made over to Sultan Firoz Shah Tughlak who became one of his disciples. Shaikh Jalal was born on the 8th February, 1308 A. D., 14th Shaban, 707 A. H., and died on Wednesday, the 3rd February, 1384 A. D., 10th Zil-hijja 785 A. H., aged 78 lunar years ; he was buried at IJchcha in Multan. The Persian inscription is engraved on the gate of his mausoleum, which is annually visited by the pilgrims of distant countries. It is a popular belief that a fool can get re- stored to perfect sense by eating the earth of his tomb. He is the founder of the sect of Malang and Jalalia Fakirs in India, and is the brother of Sayyad Rajii Kattal. His memoirs were written by one of his disciples and is called " Kitab Kutbi." Vide Thomas, Chronicles of the Pathan kings, p. 94 n. Shaikh Jalal of Thanesar, is}^- 0^=^- a celebrated pious Musalman who lived in the time of the emperor Akbar, and died on the 10th of January, 1582 A. D., 14th Zil-hijja 989 A. H., and lies buried at Thanesar. Shaikh Jamali, Maul an a, t5■■♦'^ ^i*" was a native of Dehlf and an excellent Persian poet. He at first took for his poetical title "Ja/dh"', but subse- quently at the request of his murshid Shaikh Sama-uddin, changed into, " JamdU. From Dehli he proceeded on a pilgrimage to Mecca, and on his return he came to Hii-at in the time of Sultan Husain Mirza, where he resided for several years and became acquainted with the celebrated Maulwi Jami. He is the author of the work entitled " Siar-ul-'Arifin" or Lives of the Pious, as also of a Di'wan. He died in the time of the emperor Huma- yun 1635 A. D., 942 A. H., and lies buried at old Dehli where his tomb is still to be seen. His son Shaikh Gadaf Kamboh served under Bairam Khan for several years, rose to a suitable rank and died in 1568 A. D., 976 A. H. Shaikh Jun or Jiwan bin-Abi Sa'id-al-Makki, A ^'^) author of the " Niir-ul- Anwar fi Sharh-al- Manar, a law treatise.
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