Shekh 257 Sher Shekh Mir, a nobleman and one of the best generals of 'Alamgir, whose cause he espoused and was killed in the last battle which took place between that emperor and his eldest brother Dara Shikoh at Ajmeir on Sunday the 13th of March, 1659 A. D., 29th Jumada II, 1069 A. H. He was buried by the orders of 'Alamgfr close to the tomb of Khwaja Mo'in-uddm Chishti at Aj meir. Shekh Mir of Lahor, He is also called Shah Mi'r, and is said to have been a pious Musalman and spiritual guide of Mulla Shah. He died in August, 1635 A. D., 1045 A. H., and is buried at Labor. Vide Shah Mi'r. Shekh Mubarak of Nagor, lsJ)^^ father of Shekh Faizi and Abu'l Fazl the celebrated wazir of the emperor Akbar. He is the author of the Commentary on the Kuran called " Munba-ul-Ayun," and of another work entitled " Jawama-ul-Kalam." He was born in the year 1505 A. D., and died at Labor on the 5th August, 1593 A. D., 17th Zil-Ka'da, 1001 A. H.. and was buried at Agrah where in the same compound it is supposed Faizi, Abu'l Fazl and Ladli their sister were buried. His father's name was Shekh Musa, who was a Turk by birth. Shekh Mufid, '^i^ vide Abu 'Abdullah Muham- mad bin-Muhammad-al-Namani. Shekh Muhammad, ^^-^^ author of a work on Sufiism in Persian called " Chehal Eisala," or forty Chapters, vide Muhammad (Shekh). Shekh M u w y y a d, vide Abu'l KLasim of HuUa. Shekh Nizam, f*^-^ vide Nizam (Shekh), Shekh E,azi, tj'^ ^■'^j son of Hasan, author of the Sharah on the Kafia and Shafia of Ibn-Hajib. He died in 1287 A. D., 686 A. H. Shekh Safl or Safi-Uddin, ^5^'^ ^i*", the celebrated founder of the sect of Sufi's in Persia, from whom were descended the royal Safwi family. He dwelt in Ardibeil in Media and died there. His son Shekh Sadr-uddm Musa was held in such high estimation, that he was honoured by a visit from the great conqueror Ami'r Taimur. That monarch was so much pleased by the Shekh' s conversation, that at his request he released all the prisoners taken in Asia Minor and Turkey. Many of the captives were persons of wealth and family, who afterwards enriched their benefactor by costly presents and acknowledged him as their tutelar saint. Their respect and that of their descendants was continued to him and his posterity. Shekh Safi died at Ardibeil on the 7th of August, 1335 A. D., 17th Zil-hijja, 735 A. H. Shekh Kazi, iS^J ^i'*'^ son of Hasan, author of the " Sharah on the Kafia and Shafia of Ibn-Hajib." He died in 1287 A. D., 686 A. H. Shekh Saduk, OJ*^ ^--^j also called Abu Jafar Muhammad bia-'AH Babawia. Vide Babawia. Shekh Sharif, "-^ir^ ^-i:^} vide Shah Sharaf-uddm. 65 Shekh Taki, ^J-' vide Shah Taki. Shekh Yusaf, vide Yusaf (Shekh). Sher Afgan Khan, c^^cr^' J^i a Turkman nobleman of high lineage and great renown, was the first husband of the celebrated Niir Jahan Begam. He served in the wars of Akbar with extraordinary reputation, and had a jagi'r at Bardwan where he was slain 1607 A. D., IOI9 A. H., in an encounter with the Governor, Kutb-uddin. His original name was Asta Fillo, and 'All' Zula Beg, but having kiUed a lion, he was dignified with the title of Sher Afgan Khan or the destroyer of Lions. The Emperor Jahangfr married the widow some years after which gave rise to a legend of the Emperor's having caused his death. Sher 'Ali Khan, Amir of Kabul, ^^^^yA, the youngest son of Dost Muhammad Khan. Sher 'Ali Afsos, Mir, ij^ j^" j^^ , vide Afsos. Sheri Maulana, iSj^^ a poet who flourished in the reign of the emperor Akbar. When the fortress of Chittor was taken by that monarch in December, 1567 A. D., Jumada II, 975 A. H., and the fort of Punthanpur on the 22nd March, 1569 A. D., 3rd Shawwal, 976 A. H., in which year the fort of Agrah was also completed, Shori was then living, and wrote the chronogram of all three. He was slain together with raja Birbal and other officers of note in a battle fought against the Yusafzai Afghans of Sawad and Bijur in February, 1586 A. D., Eabi' I, 994 A. H. The author of the " Masir-ul-'Umra" says, that he was the nephew of Khwaja Jahan Hirwi a nobleman of the court of Akbar, who died in November, 1574 A. D., Shaban, 982 A. H., and that Shcri died in 1581 A. D., 989 A. H. He is the author of a Diwan. Sher Khan Lodi, ts^^ d^^ ji^, the son of 'Ali Amjad Khan Lodf who died on the 13th of November, 1673 A. D., 14th Shaban, 1084 A. H. Sher Khan is the author of a Tazkira or biography of poets called " Mirat- ul-Khayab," or the Mirror of ' Imagination, which he wrote in the year 1691 A. D., 1102 A. H., in the reign of the emperor 'Alamgir. It contains an account of the most celebrated poets, and besides it treats on almost every science cultivated by the Musalmans : music, medi- cine, cosmography, oneiroscopy, talismans, &c. Sheroya, ^ijj>i^, the Siroes of the Greeks, was the son of Khusro Parwez, or Chosroes, king of Persia, whom he threw into a dungeon and subsequently murdered 628 A. D., 7 A. H. He reigned only eight months and died_ 629 A. D., 8 A. H. At the death of Shero.ya, an ambitious noble raised Ardisher the infant son of that prince to the throne : but another noble of the name of Shahryar, 'disapproving this measure, marched from the province which he governed, seized Madain, put Ardi- sher to death after he had reigned five months and usurped the crown, which however he held only a few days, having been slain by the adherents of the roval family. These not being able to discover any heir male of the house of Sasan, elevated Tiirandukht the dauo-bter oi Khusro Parwez to the throne. ° Sher Shah, 'i^'^j^, a native of Hissar. His original name was Farid. His father Hasan was an Af"-han of the tribe of Sur, and a native of Roh at Peshawar who had received from Jamal Khan the governor of Jaunpiir, the districts of Sahsaram and Tanda in jagi'r for the main- tenance of 500 horse. Farid was for some time in the service of Muhammad Lohani king of Behar, and on his
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