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Abul 15 Abul 'Ala accompanied him, and was honored -with the rank of 3,000, but he soon left him and proceeded to Ajmir, and thence to A'gra, where he passed the remainder of his life, and is said to have performed many miracles. He died on Friday the 21st, January 1651 A. D., 9th Safar, 1061 A. H., aged 71 lunar years, and lies buried at Agra, at a place near the karhala, where every year on the anni- versary of his death a great number of people assemble together and worship his tomb. He was a Nakshbandi and a descendant of Khwaja Ahrar.] . Abul-Barakat jNishapttri, isj^i^ '^^i^^Jh^-^ , author of the woi'k called " L>astur-ul-Kitabat." Atoul-Barakat 'Abdullah bin-Ahmad, '^♦^'t <^A^ vi)t^r->l J-jIj vide 'Rasa.fi. Abul-Barakat, Shaikh, brother of Abul-Fazl, born A. D. 1552 ; vide A'ln Translation, p. xxxiii.] Abul-Farah, of Wasit, the ancestor of the Sayyid families of Barha, Bilgram, Khairabad, Fathpur Hanswa, and other places. Vide Am Translation I, 390.] Abul-Faraj, J^J, (who in some of our Biographi- cal Dictionaries is called Abulfaragius (George), was the son of Aaron, a Christian physician, born at Malatia in Armenia, near the source of the Euphrates in 1226 A. D. He followed his father's profession, but afterwards studied the Eastern languages and divinity, and was ordained bishop of Guba in his 20th year, from whence he was trans- lated to Lacabena and Aleppo. He wrote a work on history, called "Mukhtasir-ud-Dawal," divided iato dynas- ties, which is an epitome of universal history from the creation to his own time. The most excellent part of the work is that which relates to the Saracens, Mughuls, and the conquests of Chingiz Khan. Dr. Pococke, Professor of Hebrew and Arabic at Oxford, published this work in 1663, in the original Arabic, with a Latin version of it. Abul-Faraj died in 1286 A. D., 685 A. H. Abul-Faraj 'Ali, t-^^^^ o-! ^ the son of Husain bin-Muhammad Kuraishi Isfahani, was born ia the year 897 A. D., 284 A. H., and was brought up at Baghdad. He is the author of a famous work called Kitab-ul-Aghani, or Book of Songs, an important biogra- phical dictionary, notwithstanding its title, treating of grammar, history, and science, as well as of poetry. The basis is a collection of one hundred Ai-abian songs, which he presented to Saif-ud-daula, prince of the race of Ham- dan, who ordered him a thousand dinar.«. The minister of that prince, thinking this sum too small for the merit of the work, on which the author had laboured fifty years, doubled it. The author of this celebrated work died in 967 A. D., 356 A. H., having lost hia reason previous to his death. Abul-Faraj al-Bagliawi,(_g^.^Jl ^ ^•'tjJt, ) two great , . , . II . I -I } poets, who Abul-Faraj al-Khalidi, ^_gc>.}is^ ^y^^b'-U ) lived at the court of the Sultan Saif-ud-daula of the house of Ham- dan, who was a protector of men of letters, on whom he bestowed large pensions. Abul-Faraj ibn-Jauzi, (SJJ^ sumamed Shams-uddin, was the most learned man, the ablest tradi- tionist, and the first preacher of his time. He compiled works on a variety of subjects, and was the tutor of the celebrated Shaikh Sa'di of Shii-az. He died on the 16th June, 1201 A. D., 12th Eamazan, 597 A. H., and is buried at Baghdad. His father's name was 'All, and that of his grandfather Jauzi. One of his works ia called " Talbis Ibli's", " The Temptation of Satan." Abul-Faraj Runi, c5^Jj of Run, said to be a place near Labor. He is the author of a Diwan, and was the panegyrist of Sultan Ibrahim, (the grandson of Sultan Maiunud of Ghazni) who reigned from 1059 to 1088 A. D., 451 to 481 A. n. Anwari imitated his style ; vide Sprenger Oudh MSS., p. 308. He is often wrongly called Abul-Farah Euwaini ; vide Dowson iv, 205.] Abul-Faraj Sanjari, j^^'^s*'*"^^! ^jI , a Persian poet who lived in the time of the great irruption of the Tartars imder Chingiz Khan. J'ide, however, Sprenger, Oudh MSS., p. 308, from which it appears that Sanjari is a mistake for Sijizf, i. e. of Sijistan.] Abul-Fath Lodi, chief of Multan. Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni took Multan in A. D. 1010, and carried away Abul-Fath as prisoner to Ghazni. Abul-Fath. Bilgrami, yJ , (Kazi) commonly called Shaikh Kamal. It is mentioned in the work called " Sharaif-i-'Usmanf, that he was born in the year 1511 A. D., 917 A. H., and that in the reign of the emperor Akbar he held the situation of Kazi of Bilgram, and died in the year 1592 A. D., 1001 A. H. Mulla Firiiz 'Usmani found the chronogram of the year of his death in the letters of his name, viz. : Shaikh Kamal. Abul-Fath Busti, t^^^J ^"-^y^, (Shaikh) a learned Musalman of Bust, who lived in the time of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni, wrote excellent poetry on divinity, and died in July, 1039 A. D., Shawwal, 430 A. H. He is" the author of a Diwan in Arabic. Abul-Fath, author of a Persian work called " Chahar Bagh", or ' the four gardens', containing forms of letters on different subjects. Abul-Fath, Muhammad bin-Abu-Bakr al-Marghmani al- Samarkandf, author of the '■ Fusul-ul-'Imiidiya", which comprises forty sections containing decisions respecting mercantile matters, and being left incomplete at the author's death, which took place in A. D. 1253, 651 A. H., was finished by Jamal-uddfn bin-'Imad-uddin. Abul-Fath Gilani, LS^^i^ ^^^•'l J^'> sumamed Masih-ud- dfn, the son of 'Abdur-Kazzak a nobleman of Gflan, was a physician in the service of the emperor Akbar. In the year 1589 A. D., he proceeded to Kashmir with that mon- arch, and during the emperor's progress from Kashmir to Kabul, he died at a place called Dhantiir, on the 20th June of the same year, 16th Sha'ban, 997 A. H., and was buried at Baba Hasan Abdal. He had come to India with his two brothers Hakfm Humam and Hakim Nur-uddin Karari about the year 1567 A. D., 974 A. H. For further notes, vide Ain Translation I, 424.] Abul-Fath Muhammad al-Shahristani, 0^"° ^Jl y author of the Arabic work called Kitab ul-Milal wan-Nihal," or the Book of Eehgions and Philosophical Sects. This book, which gives a full ac- count of the various Simni sects, was translated into Latin and published by Dr. Haarbriicker, in 1850 A. D., and into English by the Rev. Dr. Cureton. Shahiistani died in A. D. 1153, 548 A. H. Abul-Fath Nasir bin-Abul-Makarim Mutarrizi, LSl;^ (r)^-*' Ji' ^' J^', author of the Arabic Dictionary called " Mughrib." He died in A. D. 1213, 610 A. H. in Khwarazm. He was a Mu'tazilite and invited people to that faith. He is also the author of the " Sharlj Makamat Hariri, and of another work called " Kitab Azharf." The inhabitants of Khwarazm used to call him the master of Zamakhshari, and on his death the poets wrote more than seven hundred elegies in his praise. Abul-Fath Nasir bin-Muhammad, ^'^^ ^^^y, author of the " Jami'-ul-Ma'arif." Abul-Fath Rukn-uddin bin-Husam Nagori, author of a work on jurisprudence, en-