'Ala-uddin 34 'Ala-uddin 'Ala-uddin, liH'^^!}^', a Muhammadan prince of tte Arsacides or Assassins, better known by tbe appellation of "The old man of the mountains". His residence was a castle between Damascus and Antioch, and was surround- ed by a number of youths, whom he iatoxicated with pleasures, and rendered subservient to his views, by pro- mising still greater voluptuousness in the next world. As these were employed to stab his enemies, he was dreaded by the neighbouring princes. Vide Hasan Sab- bah. 'Ala-uddin (Khwaja), ii^i'^^ 5^ -^^^'f^^. surnamed ' Ata Malik was the brother of Shams-uddm Mu- hammad Sahib, diwan, and is the author of a history called " Jahankusha". 'Ala-Tiddin 'Ali al-KuraisM ibn-Wafis, o^^^ ui^ ^jJiiJl jiiPj author of the commentary termed "Miijiz-ul Kanun fil-Tibb", being an epitome of the canons of Avicenna. He died A. I). 1288. 'Ala-uddin Atsiz, Ci^'^-'t J^5 the son of 'Ala-uddin Hasan Ghori. He defeated Baha-uddin Sam in 1210 A. D. and reigned four years in Ghor. He feU in battle against Taj-uddin Ilduz A. D. 1214, and was the last of the kings of Ghor, of the famUy of 'Ala-uddin Hasan. 'Ala-uddin Hasan, e^-^ 5^^, prince of Ghor, entitled Jahan-soz. His elder brother Kutb-uddm, prince of Ghor, was publicly executed by his brother-in- law Bahram Shah of Ghazm in 1119 A. D., 613 A. H. Saif-ud-daula brother of the deceased took possession of Ghazm in 1148 A. D., 543 A. H., but afterwards was defeated, taken prisoner and put to death by Bahram Shah in 1149 A. D., 544 A. H. When the mournful news of his brother's death reached 'Ala-uddin, he burnt with rage and being determined to tal^e revenge, invaded Ghazni with a great army. He defeated Bahram Shah, who fled to Labor, took possession of Ghazni in 1152 A. D., 674 A. H., and gave up the city to ilames, slaughter, and devastation for several days, on which account he is known by the epithet of " Jahan-s6z," or the burner of the world. He carried his animosity so far as to destroy every monument of the Ghazni emperors with the excep- tion of those of Sultan Mahmud, Mas'iid, and Ibrahim ; but he defaced all the inscsiptions, even of their times, from every public edifice. 'Ala-uddin died in the year 1156 A. D., 549 A. H., after a reign of 6 years, and was succeeded by his son Malik Saif-uddin or Saif-ud- daula who in little more than a year fell in battle with the Ghiza Turkmans. He was succeeded by his eldest cousin Ghiyas-uddin Muhammad Ghori. The following is a list of the kings of Ghor : 1. 'Ala-uddin Hasan Ghori. 2. Malik Saif-uddfn, son of do. 3. Ghiyas-uddin Muhammad Ghori, son of Baha-uddin Sam, the younger brother of 'Ala-uddin. 4. Shihab-uddin, brother of Ghiyas-uddin. 6. Ghiyas-uddin Mahmud, son of Ghiyas-uddin. 6. Baha-uddin Sam, son of Ghiyas-uddin Mahmud. 7. Atsiz, son of Jahan-soz and last of the kings of Ghor of this branch. 'Ala-uddin (I), cs^^ l^^^ er~^ CJ;!'^^' j^, Hasan , Kangoh Bahmani, the first Bahmani king of the Dakhin. He was a native of Dihli, and in the ser'ice of a Brahmanical astrologer named Kangoh, or Gangoh, en- joying high favor with the prince Muhammad Tughluk, afterwards king of Dihli. This Brahman assured Hasan that he perceived from his horoscope that he would rise to great distinction, and be eminently favored of the Almighty ; and made him promise that if he ever should attain regal power, he would use the name of Kangoh and employ him as his minister of finance, a request with which Hasan readily complied. The governor of Daulatabad and others having revolted took possession of the place, and selected Hasan (who had then the title of Zafar Khan and a jagir in the Dakhin) to be their king. On Friday, the 3rd August, 1347 A. D., 24th Rabi' II, 748 A. H., they crowned him and raised him on the throne, with the title of 'Ala- uddin Hasan Kangoh Bahmani at Kulbarga, which place became the royal residence and capital of the first Mu- hammadan king of the Dakhin, and was named Ahsan- abad. Towards the end of the reign of Muhammad Tughluk of Dihli, he subdued every part of the Dakhin previously subject to the throne of Dihli. The death of 'Ala-uddin Hasan happened 10 years, 10 months and 7 days after his accession to the throne, about the 10th of February 1358 A. D., 1st Rabi" I, 759 A. H. He was succeeded by his son Muhammad Shah I Bahmani. The following is a list of the kings of the Bahmani dynasty of Kulbarga or Ahsanabad with the years of their acces- sions : 'Ala-uddin Hasan I, 748 H., 1347 A. D. Muhammad Shah I, 759 H., 1358 A. D. Mujahid Shah, 776 H., 1375 A. D. Daiid Shah 780 H., 1378 A. D. Mahmud Shah, 780 H., 1378 A. D. Ghiyas-uddin, 799 H., 1397 A. D. Shams-uddin, 799 H., 1397 A. D. Firuz Shah Roz-afzun, 800 H., 1397 A. D. Ahmad Shah Wali 825 H., 1422 A. D. 'Ala-uddin Ahmad II, 838 H., 1435 A. D. Humayun the cruel. Nizam Shah. Muhammad Shah II. Mahmud II. Ahmad Shah II. 'Ala-uddin III. Wali-uUah. Kalim-ullah, with whom the Bahmani dynasty termi- nates, and is succeeded by Amir Barid at Ahmadabad Bidar. »Ala--uddin II, iiH<^^ ai^is^^, (Sultan) son of Sidtan Ahmad Shah Wali Bahmani, ascended the throne at Ahmadabad Bidar in the Dakhin, in the month of February 1435 A. D., 838 A. H., and died after a reign of 23 years, 9 months and 20 days in the year 1457 A. D., 862 A. H. He was succeeded by son Humayiln, a cruel prince. 'Ala-uddin Khilji, Ji'ii^cyi^ ij^^ cjJ'^-'l^^-c cjUa-l-w, (Sultan) styled Sikandar-i-Sani, 'the second Alexander' was the nephew and son-in-law of Sultan Jalal-uddfn Fii-uz Shah Khilji, whom he murdered at Kara-Manikpur in the province of Allahabad on the 29th July, 1296 A. D., 17th Eamazan, 695 A. H., and marching thence with his army ascended the throne of Dihli in the month of October the same year, Zil-hijja, 695 A. H., after having defeated and removed Eukn-uddin Ibrahim, the son of Firiiz Shah. He was the first Musalman king who made an attempt to con- quer the Dakhin, He took the fort of Chitor in August, 1303 A. D., 3rd Muharram, 703 H. It is said that the empire never flourished so much as in his reign. Palaces, mosques, ' universities, baths, mausolea, forts and all kinds of public and private buildings, seemed to rise as if by magic. Among the poets of his reign, we may record the names of Amir Khusrau, Khwaja Hasan, Sadr-uddin 'Ali, Fakhr-uddin Khaw.is, Hamid-uddin Eaja, Maulana 'Arif, 'Abdul-Hakim and Shihab-uddin Sadr-Nishin. In poetry Amir Kliusrau and Khwaja Hasan had the first rank. In philosophy and physic, Maulana Badr-uddin Damishki. In divinity, Mau- lana Shitabi. In astrology, Shaikh Nizam-uddin Auliya acquired much fame. 'Ala-uddin died, according to Fi- rishta, on the 6th Shawwal, 716 A. H. (or 19th December, 1316 A. D.) after having reigned more than 20 years. He was buried in the tomb which he had constructed in 4
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