'Ala-uddin 35 Al-Bukhari his life-time near the Manihar Masjid in Old Dihli. Amir Khusrau in that part of his Diwan, called " Bakiya-i- Nakiya" says that he died on the 6th Sha'W'wal, 715 H., i. e. about the 30th December 1315 A. D. After his death, MaHk Naib Kafur, one of the eunuchs of the king, placed his youngest son Sultan Shihab-uddin 'Umar, who was then only seven years old, on the tkrone. After a short time, however, the eunuch Kafiir was slain, and Shihab-uddin was set aside, and his older brother Mubarak Khan under the title of Mubarik Shah ascended the throne on the 1st April, 1316 A. D., 7th Muharram, 716 H. but according to Fi- rishta in 1317. It was the boast of 'Ala-uddin, that he had destroyed one thousand temples in Banaras alone. He is best known now by the beautiful gateway to the Kutb Mosque and the unfinished tower by which he hoped to rival the Kutb Minar. 'Ala-uddin 'Imad Shah, ujJ'^-'t*^, succeeded to the government of Barar in the Dakhin after the death of his father Fath-uUah 'Imad Shah about the year 1513 A. D., and following the example of other chiefs of the house of Bahmani, declared himself king of Barar, and established his royal residence at Gawal. He contracted an alliance by marriage with the sister of Isma'fl 'Adil Shah, named Khadija, in 1528 A. D., 935 A. H., and died some time about the year 1532 A. D., 939 A. H. He was succeeded by his son Darya 'Imad Shah. 'Ala-uddin Kaikubad, (Sultan) a prince of the Saljukian dynasty. When Sultan Malik- Shah conquered Kum or Anatolia in Asiatic Turkey, he conferred on Sulaiman the son of Kutlumish that kingdom, whose descendants reigned there till the time of Abaka Khan, the Tartar king of Persia. 'Ala-uddin Kaikubad was a descendant of Sulaiman Shah and died about the year 1239 A. D., 637 A. H. ; vide Sulaiman bin- Kutlumish. 'Ala-uddin Majzub, VJ"^ i^.'^^^j^ i^, (Shah) a Muhammadan saint of Agra, commonly called Shah 'Ala- wal Balawal, son of Sayyid Sulaiman. He died in the beginning of the reign of Islam Shah, son of Sher Shah in the year 1646 A. D., 953 A. H. His tomb is in Agra at a place called Nai-ki Mandi, where crowds of Musal- mans assemble every year to worship it. The adjacent mosque has sunk into the ground to the spring of the arches. 'Ala-uddin Mas'ud, ^ri'^^ Sultan of Dihli, was the son of Sultan Eukn-uddin Firuz, and grandson of Shams-uddin Iltitmish, was raised to the throne of Dihli after the murder of Bahram Shah in May, 1242 A. D., Zil-ka'da, 639 A. H. He died on the 10th June, 1246 A. i)., 23rd Muharram, 644 H., after a reign of four years, and was succeeded by his brother (or uncle) Sultan Nasir-uddin Mahmud. 'Ala-uddin Muhammad al-Samarkandi, LS'^^ _^} t^<>.;i <>*s*, (Shaikh) author of a compen- dium of Al-Kuduri's Mukhtasir, which he entitled the " Tuhfat-ul-Fukaha." This work was commented upon by his pupil Abu-Bakr bin-Mas' ud al-Kashani, who died in 1191 A. D., 587 A. H. This comment is entitled al-Badai' as-Sanai'. 'Ala-uddin Ali Shah, xLi^^)^ t^jjJl^Mc^ king of West- ern Bengal. He usurped the government of that country after defeating Fakhr-uddia Mubarak Shah and was assas- sinated about 746 A. H. by the instigation of Khwaja Hyas, who succeeded him Tinder the title of Shams-uddin Ilyas Shah.] 'Ala-uddin Husain Shah, ^^rJC>.)^^^ king of Bengal. He was the son of Sayyid Ashraf, and after defeating Muzaffar Shah at Gaur in 899 A. H., ascended the throne of Bengal. He reigned with justice for a considerably longer period than any of his predecessors until the year 1521 A. D., 927 A. H. when he died a natural death, after a reign of 28 years. His son Nusrat Shah succeeded him. 'Ala-uddin (Sultan), t5W""* i^f^Aj'^J^ a king of the race of Saljuk, who reigned in Iconium, and died in the year 1301 A. D., 700 A. H. 'Ala-uddin (Sultan), slljj ^^_oJfj)j£ ^^lkL,^ the last king of Dihli of the Sayyid djmasty, succeeded his father Sultan Muhammad Shah to the throne in January 1446 A. D., Shawwal, 849 A. H. Bahlol Lodi in 1451, 8.55 A. H., at the instigation of Hamid Khan wazir, took possession of Dihli during the absence of the king who was then at Badaon. 'Ala-uddin continued to reside at Badaon unmolested till his death, which happened in the year 1478 A. D., 883 A. H. His reign at Dihli being about six years, and his government of Badaon 28 years. 'Ala-uddin (Sayyid), of Oudh, whose poetical name was Wasili, is the author of a Tarji'band, commonly called " Miimukiman," with which word it commences. He was a native of Ivhurdsan, came to India about the year 1300 A. D., became a disciple of Nizam-uddin Auliya and fixed his residence in Oudh. 'Ala-uddin Takash, ^Ji>3 ^^^ji^.'I^^/*^ a Sultan of Khwa- rizm, vide Takash. 'Ala-ul-mulk Kotwal, Ji^j^S'iJU.lJiyj^ tXLo^ (MaUk). He served under Sultan 'Ala-uddin Khilji, king of Dihlf, and was the uncle of Ziya-uddin Bami, the author of the " Tarikh Firuz-Shahi." He was then very old and so fat that he was not able to attend the com-t more than once a month. He was living in A. D. 1300, 699 A. H. 'Al-AzizBillah Abu-al-Mansur Tarar, (Arabic characters), son of Mu'izz-ud-din-allah, second khalifa of Egypt of the Fatimite dynasty, succeeded his father in A. D. 976, and committed the management of affairs entirely to the care of Jauhar or Ja'far, his father's long-experienced general and prime-minister. This famous warrior after several battles with Al-Aftakfn, the amir of Damascus and the Karmatians, died in 990 A. D., 381 A. H. 'Al-Aziz died in his way to Syria in the 21st year of his reign and 42nd of his age and was succeeded by his son Abul-Mansur. Al-Baghawi, f^^*-^^, vide Abul-Faraj-al-Baghawi and Abu-Muhammad Farrai ibn-Mas'ud al-Baghawf. Al-Batani, commonly called by European writers. Albategnius, was an Arabian astronomer who wrote a treatise on the knowledge and the obliquity of the Zodiac of the stars. He died in 929. He greatly reformed astronomy, comparing his own observations with those of Ptolemy. This book was printed at Niiremberg, in 1537, 4to., and at Bologna in 1545. He died A. D. 929. Al-Biruni, cr^ir'^'? an Arabian author whose original work, entitled " Tarikh Hind", was compiled in India in about A. D. 1030-33. See Abu-Eaihan. Al-Bukhari, {^j^^h, who received this name from Bu- khara, the place of his birth or his chief residence, was a famous law3'or by name of Muhammad Isma'il. His collec- tion of traditions on the Muhammadan religion, commonly called .Sahih-ul-Bukhari, is of the greatest authority of all that have ever been made ; he called it " iU-Sahih," i. e. genuine, because he separated the spirrious ones from those that were authentic. He says, he has selected 7,275 of the most authentic traditions out of 10,000, all of which he looked upon to be true, having rejected 200,000 as false. He died at Bukhara in the year 870 A. D., 256 A. H. Vide Muhammad Isma'il Bukhari.
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