Page:The Oriental Biographical Dictionary.djvu/59

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Al-Tahir 47 Amar 8. Al-Mo'tasim Billah, son of Harfln. 9. Al-Wathik or Wasik, son of Mo'tasim. 10. Al-Mutwakkil. 11. Al-Mustanasir Billah. 12. Al-Mustain Billah. 13. Al-Mo'tiz Billah. 14. Al-Muhtadi BHlah. 15. Al-Mo'tamid. 16. Al-Motazid Billah. 17. Al-Muktafi Billah. 18. Al-Muktadir Billah. 19. Al-Kaliir Billah, 20. Al-Eazi BHlah. 21. Al-Muttaki Billah. 22. Al-Mustakfi Billah. 23. Al-Muti'a BUlah. 24. Al-Taya Billah. 25. Al-Kadir Billah. 26. Al-Kaem he-amr-ullah. 27. Al-Muktadi BiUah. 28. Al-Mustazahir Billah. 29. Al-Mustarashid Billah. 30. Al-Eahhid Billah. 31. Al-Muktafi bi-amr-ullah. 32. Al-Mustanjad Billah. 33. Al-Mustazi bi-amr-ullah. 34. Al-Nasir BUlah. 35. Al-Tahir bi-amr-ullah. 36. Al-Mustanasar Billah II. 37. Al-Mo'tasim Billah, the last khali'f. Al-Tahir bi-amr-illah. Muhammad, '^'^ ^i-h^^l; jaUsJ^ succeeded his father al-Nasir Billah to the throne of Baghdad in 1225 A. D., 622 A. H. He was the thirty- fifth khali'f of the house of Abbas, reigned 9 months and 11 days and died in 1226 A. D., 623 A. H. His son al- Mustanasar II succeeded him. Al-Taya' (or al-Tayi') Billah, ^^^^ the son of al-Mutia' Billah was the twenty-fourth khalif of Baghdad. He succeeded his father in 974 A. D. reigned 17 years and 4 months, and was deposed by Baha-ud-daula in 991 A. D., when Kadir BiUah the son of Is-hak the son of Muktadir was raised to the throne. Altimsh, vide Shams-uddin Altimsh. Al-Walid, '^i^^^^, vide Walid. Al-Wathik or al-Wasik Billah, (3^lr'^ the ninth kha- lif of the family of the Abbasides succeeded his father al-M6'tasim Billah on the 5th January, 842 A. D., 18th Rabi I, 227 A. H., to the throne of Baghdad. The follow- ing year, he invaded and conquered Sicily. Nothing remarkable happened during the rest of his reign. He reigned 5 lunar years 7 months and 3 days, and died in 847 A. D., 232 A. H. He was succeeded by his brother al-Mutwakkil. 'Alwi, CS'^^j poetical name of Shaikh "Waji-uddin, which see. 'Alwi, (SJ^} poetical name of Mir Tahir 'Alwi who died at Kashmir previous to the year 1723 A. D., 1136 A. H. He is the author of a diwan and a Masnawi, the latter contains the story of the blacksmith and the cotton cleanser, called Kissae Haddad wa HaUaj. ' Alwi Khan (Hakim), LS>^, a physician, who was invited from Persia by the emperor Muhammad Shah and died at Dehli in 1748 A. D., 1161 A. H. His title was Mo'tmid-ul-Maluk Sayyid 'Alwi Khan Hakfm. He is of a medical work called " Jama'-ul-Jawa'- ma'." 'Amad, <i^, 'Amad Shah, 'Amad-uddin &c. vide Imad, Imad Shah &c. »Ama-'ak or Uma-'ak Biikhari, (3*^j vide Abul Na- jfb-al-Bukhari. Amanat, >^-'l*tj poetical name of Sayyid Agha Hasan son of Agha Eazwi, author of a Diwan. Amanat 'Ali, kj^'^'^^U (Maulwl) author of a small work entitled "Bahar Ajam", containing 121 letters written by him to different persons, in pure Persian. Amanat Khan Mirak, '-^^ lyLk, e^iUt^ jjj^ Ma'm-uddm Ahmad Khan Khwafi, a native of Khwaf in Khurasan. He was a nobleman of high rank in the time of the emperor 'Alamgir, and died in the year 1684 A. D., 1095 A. H., at Aurangabad. He is the author of the work called " Shariat ul-Islam." Amanat Khan, oJl-ot^ ^.i^ie of Mir Husain, son of Amanat Khan Khwafi'. He was honored with the title of his father about the year 1688 A. D., 1100 A. H., by the emperor 'Alamgir, and raised to the rank of a noble- man. He held diflerent offices under that emperor and died at Surat A. D. 1699, 1111 A. H. Amanat Khan, '^■>'^l, a celebrated Nastalfk writer, who in the eleventh year of the reign of the emperor Shah Jahan wrote the inscriptions on the Taj at Agra. Amani, (Mir) of Kabul died in 981 A. H. or 1573 A. D. Amani, t*^^', poetical name of Mirza Aman-ullah the eld- est son of Mahabat Khan. He flourished in the time of the emperor Shah Jahan, and died in the year 1637 A. D., 1047 A. H. He is the author of a diwan. Vide Khan Zaman Bahadur and Mahabat Khan. Aman-ullah, ^^■'leJ^' ^»l-s^j (Hafiz) of Benares was an author and Kazi of Lakhnau in the time of the emperor 'Alamgir. He died in 1721 A. D., 1133 A. H. Aman-uUah Husaini, y^i-*^ o'^'^ author of an Insha which goes by his name, "Inshae Aman-ullah Husaini." Ahmad Shah Abdali, (^l*^' '^='1, on his seventh invasion of Hindustan arrived at the Satlaj in 1764, A. D. Amar Siagh waited on him, but was ordered to shave his head and beard before entering the royal presence. By a nazarana or present of a lac of Rupees, he purchased permission to appear bearded and unshorn, and received investiture with the title of Maha Eaja Eajagan Mahindar Bakashr,. which title is now borne by the head of the Pa- tiala family. Amar Singh, *^**'^t raja of Patiala, was the son of Sardal Singh who survived his father Eaja Ala Singh two or three years. Ahmad Amar Singh vide Eana Amar Singh. Amar Singh Rana, son of Eama Pallal Singh of Chittore, died in 1028 A. H. Amar Singh, ^^••v*', son of Gaj Singh, a rajput chief of the tribe of Eathor. He killed Salabat Khan Mir Bakhshi in the 1 7th year of Shah Jahan in the presence of the emperor, on Thursday evening the 25th of July, 1644 O. S., 30th Jamadi I, 1054 H., and was by the order of the emperor pursued and cut to pieces after a gallant defence near one of the gates of the fort of Agra, which is to this day called Amar Singh Darwaza or Amar Singh Gate. An account of this prince's early history will be found in Tod's Rdjasthdn,