Page:The Oriental Biographical Dictionary.djvu/60

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Amar 48 Amir Amar Singh, *^«;-«t, of Benares whose poetical name 1 was Khush-go, held a government appointment in the Koel district. He compiled a short history of Akhar's palace and of the Taj of Agra and put the Bahar Danish into verse and called it Tarjuma Bahar Danish. This book is to be distinguished from the Izhar Danish, an Urdu Translation of Bahar Danish by Mullazada at Palnar. Amar Singh, (Eana) son of Eana Purtah Singh vide Eana Sankar. Ambaji Inglia, a raja of Gwaliar who was living in 1803. Amin, of'i!-*', the sixth khalff of the house of Abbas. Vide al-Amin. Amin, CJ'i^'j poetical name of Shah Amin-uddin of Azun- abad who flourished about the year 1715 A. D., 1127 H., and left a diwan of Ghazals &c. Amina Begum, ^^V- vide Ghasiti Begum. Amin Ahmad, or Amin Muhamniad Razi, urt-*! ^Jgj^J o-*^! the author of the Biographical Dictionary called " Haft Aklim." (The seven climates.) This book, which he finished in the time of the emperor Akbar in 1694 A. D., 1002 A. H., contains a short description of the seven climates of the Temperate Zone, and the Topography of their principal cities ; with memoirs of the illustrious persons and eminent poets which each has produced. Amin-uddin Khan, Nawab of Lohari, one of the eldest and most worthy of the chiefs of Dehlf. He died on the 31st of December, 1869 A. D., aged 70 years. His eldest son Mirza ' Ala-uddin Khan succeeded to his estates at Saharu, on the 11th of January 1870. Amini, ls*^*'? poetical name of Amir Sultan Hjrahfm, a contemporary of Khwaja 'Asafi who died in 1520 A. D. 926 A. H. Amini wrote a chronogram on that occasion. Amin-uddin, tu^'^-'l ii^V^J^) (Mir) a poet and a great jester, was contemporary with the poets Moulana All Kahi and Khwaja All Shahab. Amin-uddin, lisi'^^^ (Amir) vide Yemin-uddin (Amir) and Tughrai. Amin-ud-daula Abul Jin, iJ)<i'H ^H:*', sumamed the Samaritan, was a physician and had been wazir to Malik Salah Isma'il. He was strangled at Cairo in 1250 A. D., 648 A. H., and there were found in his house, amongst other precious articles, about 10,000 volumes of valuable works, copied by the most celebrated caUigraphers. Amin-ud-daula Khan, J-^ AiJj«i-'l e^!:-«f, a rebel, was blown from the mouth of a gun on the 3rd August, 1857, at Agra. Amir bi Ahkam Allah, , sumamed Abu AH Mansur seventh khalif of the Fatimite dynasty of Egypt, succeeded his father al-Mustaa'H BUlah in Decem- ber 1101. From this time to the reign of 'Azid li-dm Allah, during which period five khalifs ascended the throne of Egypt, the history of that country affords little else than an account of the intestine broils and contests between the wazirs or prime ministers, who were now become so powerful, that they had in a great measure stripped the khalifs of their civil power, and left them nothing but a shadow of spiritual dignity. These con- tests at last gave occasion to a revolution, by which the race of Fatimite khalifs were totally extinguished. Vide "Azid li-din Allah. Amir, poetical name of Amir-ud-daula Nasir Jang commonly called Mirza Mendhu, son of Nawab Shuja-ud- daula and brother to Nawab Asaf-ud-daula» Amiran Shah, iJji'^U vide MMn Shah. Amira Singh Tappa, a chief of Mpal. He was the highest in rank and character of all the mi- litary chiefs of Naipal. In 1814 during his campaign against Sir David Ochterlony in the Kamaon bills, he evinced equal valour and patriotism. Amir Barid, I, '^iy. the son of Kasim Barld whom he succeeded in the government of Ahmadabad Bidar in 1604 A. D., 910 A. H. During his rule the king Sultan Mahmud ShahBahmani died in 1517, A. D. 923 A. H., when Amir Barid placed Sultan 'Ala -uddin III, on the throne, and after his death Sultan Kalim UUah, who being treated with great rigour by the Amir, fied from Bidar to Ah- madnagar, where he died shortly after. With Kalim Hllah ended the dynasty of the Bahmani kings of Dak- han. Amir Barid reigned over the territories of Ahma- dabad Bidar with full power more than 25 years, and died at Daulatabad in 1542 A. D., 949 A. H. He was buried at Ahmadabad Bidar, and succeeded by his son AH Barid. Amir Barid, II, lt*'^ "HH .J^U succeeded to the govern- ment of Ahmadabad Biwar after deposing his relative AH Barid Shah II in 1609 A. D., and was the last of the Barid Shahi dynasty. Amiri, the poetical name of Maulana Sultan Mu- hammad, a distinguished man who Hved in the time of Shah Tahmasp Safwi I. He praised this sovereign in his poems, and is the translator of Amir AH Sher's Tazkira, called " Majalis-ul-Nafaes", from Turki into Persian. He is also the author of the " Bostan ul-Khayal." Amir Khan, U^J^^, title of Mir Abul Wafa, the eldest son of Mir Kasim Khan Namkin, was a nobleman in the time of the emperors Jahangir and Shah Jahan. At the time of his death he was governor of Thatta, where he died A. D. 1647, 1057 A. H., aged more than 100 years. His former name was Mir Khan, but having made a pre- sent of one lac of rupees to Shah Jahan, he was honored with the title of Amir Klan. Amir Khan, Kvir^J^'^ cJ^^-'^'j surnamedMir Miikn, the son of Khalfl-ullah Khan Yezdi, was a nobleman of high rank in the time of the emperors Shah Jahan and 'Alam- gir, and a great favorite of the latter. He died at Kabul on the 28th AprU, 1698 A. D., 27th Shawwal 1109 H., and the emperor conferred the title of Amir Khan on his son. Amir Khan, vL>^ (Nawab) entitled U'mdat-ul- Mulk, was the son of the principal favorite of the emperor 'Alamgir, of the same name, and a descendant of the cele- brated Shah Na'mat-ullah Wall. He was himself a favorite of the emperor Muhammad Shah ; was appointed governor of AUahabad in 1739 A. D., 1152 A. H., and re- called to court in 1743 A. D., 1156 A. H. He was naturally fi-ee of speech, and the emperor, fond of his repartee, had allowed him more Hcense in conversation than was con- sistent with respect to his own dignity, when he was on business with the emperor, which by degrees disgusted Muhammad Shah and made him wish his removal from office. He was consequently, with the consent of the em- peror, stabbed with a dagger by a person who had been discharged from his service, and fell down dead on the spot. This circumstance took place on Friday the 26th December, 1746, 23rd Zil-hijja, 1159 H. He was buried after four daj's in the sepulchre of Khalil-uUah Khan his grandfather, which is close to the Sarae of Eiih-ullah Khan at DehH. His poetical name was Anjam. He com- posed chiefly logographs, and has left Persian and Eekhta Poems.