Page:The Outdoor Chums.djvu/46

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tensive reading rather than a practical experience such as Frank had passed through.

"This little knoll will serve to shed water when it rains, as it's sure to do some time or other; it always does when you camp; and the water is just far enough away to keep the spring from being polluted by any refuse from the fire. Yes, and the trees around here have not been touched by lumbermen, so that the whole aspect is restful to the eye. I like it, Jerry; it's a regular jim-dandy place."

"Hunk, I say!" declared Bluff, after his usual explosive fashion; but if his manner was crude, he generally hit the nail on the head, and no one could mistake his feelings in the matter.

He immediately squatted down and began to take his gun out of its case, an operation Jerry eyed with alarm.

"Say, look here, what are you going to do witH that machine, eh? Are you so wild to get at the slaughter that you can't wait a decent length of time, and give the poor birds and beasts a chance to know we're here for a long stay? For goodness' sake, show some sportsman spirit, Bluff," he exploded.

The other looked up with an injured expression.

"Why," said he, "I'm only thinking of those