Page:The Outdoor Chums.djvu/47

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three desperate characters rushing our camp, and I wanted to let them see we are able to look out for ourselves, that's what."

"Oh! if that's the case, hold up that tool, and I bet they light out faster than they come—who wouldn't, I'd just like to know, when——"

"Hey, Jerry, can the wagon get in here?" asked Will, knowing what the dispute would lead to if allowed to go on any further.

"Why, yes, I think so, if Toby knows how to manage right; you see he can turn to the right, cross behind that thicket, and bring up here; certainly the wagon can haul up here if it ever gets to this point safe," replied the other.

"You and I will look out for that, and when we ride back to convoy it here, depend on it, we'll have our guns ready to make a good showing," remarked Frank. "I don't think those three fellows will dare attack us, especially when they see Erastus. They know him all right, from sad experience. You see 'Rastus used to be something of a prizefighter in a small way among his kind, and nothing delights him half so much as a scrap once in a while; and the town rowdies have suffered at his hands."

"All right; say when, and I'll be ready to go."

"Plenty of time. I figure that the wagon won't get to the lumber camp until noon, so in the mean-